
Q on boots and equipment. Apparently he's worn his current boots for 3yrs! (Shizuka: 3yrs is a miracle). He competed on 3yr old boots at Beijing and 2yr old boots in Pyeongchang! He says he's also a bit afraid of changing it once he's used to them
LOLOLOL Shuzo's magnificent wordplay sign (HAppy NYU (new) stage)
;;;; a wall of questions and comments from fans and Shuzo-san's writing ;; Theme of the show: 'A challenge without end' (Q: what's your favourite ice cream flavour? A: Chocolate cookie)
TV Asahi Special livetweet thread for 23 July 2022 :) disclaimer: @axelwithwings will do a complete translation and sub of this so this will be only snippets
"He's really really serious!" "He didn't attend class [because of attending competitions] but still got 100%, we were shocked."
13yr old yuzu :)
the fact the Japanese sign language for Yuzuru's name includes a flappy wing gesture is the best thing I've seen today ; u ;…
Tonight's TV Asahi special looks like a must watch ❤️ - Shuzo-san, Shizuka, Nobu and Shigeo Takahashi (actor) will be there too - Yuzu couldn't tell Nobu and other close friends about his decision & apologies for it ;; - Yuzu analysing his 4A in Beijing…
Yuzuru's sit spins being goated, even as a novice
Comment from Kohei Uchimura on Yuzuru going pro - 'The artist of figure skating and artist of gymnastics. I hope we were able to be an impetus for each other.' ❤️…
Comment from fellow People's Honor Award recipient, professional shogi player Yoshiharu Habu (who shares the same kanji surname as Yuzu) Figure skating's Yuzuru Hanyu has announced his decision to turn professional. Thank you for your hard work over such a long period. (1/2)…
Until 6PM JST on 22 July (Fri), you can leave questions you want to ask Yuzu under hashtag #羽生結弦感動をありがとう on Twitter. Yuzu might answer them in the TV Asahi special program airing on 23 July from 6:56pm (JST) 😊…
Apparently this is Yuzuru's ema from this year at Sendai's Akiu Shrine. Wish: 'To become the 'myself' that is the 4A. To be able to hear my 9yr old self say: 'that was good' 🙏✨…
I received a very special #YuzuruHanyu story from an anonymous sender today and would like to share this, with their permission. I hope Yuzu will realise that his skating and passion is tied in countless ways, big and small, to so many people's lives ;; 💙
his what in the warm up areas…
Not fuji airing his 'looks toughhh on your arm, ganbatteeee' comment from the main angle 😭😉
"The emotion and power I received from Yuzuru-chan is still engraved in my heart. I love figure skating" Not Chiitan out here jumping better axels than us 😭…
Yuzu says the most "this is Yuzuru Hanyu!" performance for him was Hope & Legacy at Worlds 2017. It was the skate that gave him the confidence that 'ah, I had this kind of power in myself, I could do this thing" 💙
lmao the host was like: are there any messages on your phone that left an impression on you yuzuru: um actually I don't have a phone…
He's said in several interviews now that he's not intending to only be an artist or entertainer but to still maintain the "athlete" and sports aspect of being a pro athlete, which includes continuing at the 4A
Think it's significant that Yuzu is refusing to use "retirement" as a term as it suggests the lowering of ability and it's how it's usually thought of by figure skaters whereas you would expect an 'amateur going pro' should mean advancing up to the next stage
Q: What would you say to 30yr old Yuzuru Hanyu 3yrs from now? A: I hope I've gotten better
and there were many people who felt something from seeing that version of me is still saving me even now. From here on out, I still want to work hard and run together with everyone, aiming for my dream.' (2/2)
'Truthfully, I didn't plan to go to the Beijing Olympics at all. I wanted to land the 4A asap and end it. But the fact that I went to Beijing like that, challenged it, failed, couldn't get it & went unrewarded and, even so, was supported (1/2)…
he really doesn't like the negativity associated with 'retirement' lmfao, he keeps emphasising he wants to get better. 'of course I want to take care of my body and, as I said in the presscon, also take care of my heart.'