2nd Edition of PEEK ZINE is sold-out. 🙏🏻 3rd Edition is coming soon. Please follow @galerie_lemonde for updates.
抱きしめて、渋谷。 Client: SHIBUYA 109 @SHIBUYA109NET AD: Tetsuya Chihara 千原徹也(れもんらいふ)@thechihara Designer: Misaki Kato 加藤美沙希(れもんらいふ) Producer: KIMI(れもんらいふ) Agent: Agence LE MONDE @lemonde_agence
It’s such an honor for me to draw the cover illustration of ILLUSTRATION 2021! 非常榮幸可以為ILLUSTRATION 2021繪畫封面插圖。據編輯平泉康児說,今期ILLUSTRATION的封面是從2013年起的第一個手繪封面。 150名畫家陣容已經發佈了,可看這裡: kai-you.net/article/78699 #ILST2021
⚡️Day 17⚡️ Tomorrow is the final day LE MONDE Tokyo Presents Little Thunder solo exhibition “SCENT OF HONG KONG“ 心斎橋PARCO 10F 10:00~20:00 #scentofhongkong
Living Fast 2023 Acrylic on canvas
Magical Girl (Cropped)
9-min Pencilwork → patreon.com/littlethunder
GOTTA BE QUICK GOTTA BE QUICK GOTTA BE QUICK, 2022 Acrylic on canvas 120 x 150 x 3 cm *SOLD
Enjoying the last bit of the trip. #ipadpro #bluebottlecoffee
I like to make my own music for my drawing videos to avoid copyright issues. I’m not any kind of musician so I didn’t try to credit myself lol. I always try to find fun music apps from AppStore. This one in the video is called LAUNCHPAD which is kinda easy to use.
再試Gouache,好玩呀。 但用得好快,尤其係白色,我盒水彩啲白色就幾乎冇用過。 作畫過程遲啲擺Patreon⚡️