the hidden mlem switch
indie bitches 😎 twitter.com/VShojo/status/…
also no i am not joining otk, im staying indie, read less 4chan 👍🏻
since this post got so much traction and people are speculating as to why i have left and blaming other talent for it -- it's nothing like that at all. i left cuz new contracts didnt make any financial sense to me 😤 twitter.com/Veibae/status/…
i can't speak for silver because we didn't leave "together". we were just announced on the same day.
can't say much else cuz of legal shit n stuff but plz be kind to everyone involved, dont make weird rumors up to control ur made up narrative. tl;dr left cuz new contract no gud
and for all indies, ALWAYS hire a lawyer to read through any contract, however minor it may seem. i know it's a scary process to think about but you'll be so fuckin thankful down the line. HIRE LAWYERS THAT KNOW WHAT THE INDUSTRY STANDARDS ARE. ok have a nice day u fkers
the return of the buttwings 😈
one more then i log off 😉