
Everyone is so different from each other and that’s what makes it interesting. Imagine how boring life would be if everyone was the same 😟.
friends really make life better ❤️
When I feel like I’m experiencing new things and feeding my curiosity; that’s one of the moments I feel the most joy.
21. The picture that started it all.
Once I ordered room service everyday and the delivery person was always the same, so one day they asked, “do you... ever come out?” LOL 😂
This is something. GQ cover with the mister 🥰❤️ @GQMagazine @GQSports…
Yeah imma need you guys to see this lol. I went 🏃🏽‍♀️💨💨💨…
You really have to be super unhappy with your situation to start hating on another person that’s thriving. Just let it go, focus on yourself, it’s gonna get better.
Merii Kurisumasu 🎄❤️
Truth. No lie, now I’m scared to wear a ponytail.…
Purely because I like this picture.
This is what I mean when I say I enjoy long strolls on the beach 😂 lol
yes I was that person.
Hits after hits, Rihanna bowl really didn’t disappoint 😭❤️
Ppl really out here saying “goals” to anything 😂
Sad to withdraw due to injury from my match today, my body got a shock from playing back to back intense matches after the break I took. Thank you for all the love this past week ❤️ I’ll try to rest up and I’ll see you soon!
R1 ✔️
🧚🏾✨💕 this page will only have good vibes from now on 💕✨🧚🏾
Dubaiiiiiiiiiiii 😁
I just know that second wave is coming. I see people walking around without masks like natural selection ain’t a thing 🤔🧐