are you ready kids?
Had a couple interesting conversations. Most of which ended with, “ok byeeeeeee” 💀😂
You didn’t hear it from me but this is the best song off the album lol
Kid is back and in black.
Thank you @PorscheTennis and the amazing fans for this incredible time, I’ll do my best to get back healthy. I love you and see you soon 🤗❤️
My face when people tell me, “you have a nice smile you should smile more”
Love all the people around me that were constantly pouring light and positivity on my life these past months. So grateful for you guys ☺️🤗❤️
I’m scrolling through all my past tweets and I was insane 💀💀💀🤦🏽‍♀️😩😂
Happy to get the first win @MutuaMadridOpen Excited about my new partnership with @Mastercard Look out for cool things in the future 😖❤️
When you think of a joke mid match but you can’t tell anyone 😖😁🤭
Quarters I’m coming for ya ☺️❤️
Thank you @FTMag for putting me on the cover this weekend…
I’ve never attempted this before in a match and I’m really proud of how it turned out lol…
Love of my life 🍣🐻❤️
:) Ciao Roma
Paris, me and my hair have arrived 😩🙈❤️
This is the story of a moment I felt something start within me. 自分の中のはじまりの瞬間って、私の場 合はこんなストーリーです。@nikejapan #justdoit #teamnike #ナイキ
Hi @rolandgarros ☺️❤️
Don’t change yourself. Change the world. 世界を変える。自分を変えずに。 @nikejapan #justdoit #ナイキ #teamnike
The way my jokes are set up, you either laugh or roll your eyes. There is no other way.