mizuno will reveal two more arts in early feb... "skate rink" and "rink side". usually their art is just yuri katsuki, but i wonder? any chance of? two other charas we know? for now i will be happy with more yuri k which is most likely, but still!!
rotfl not MAPPA disallowing comments about yuri on ice on their tweets....they KNOW what they have done
Going into 2022, many things are uncertain, but one thing we can be sure of is that Yuri and Victor are still married
The day or so after Christmas, Mizuno will reveal a new 5 year anniversary YURI ON ICE project along with a brand new illustration. everyone say THANK YOU MIZUNO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! twitter.com/mizunoshop/sta…
this girl on a chair: brain: oh no is it banana fish???
i have to think about the first anniversary of this approaching so now so do you twitter.com/yurionice_PR/s…
FUCKIN PROMARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
米国限定FREE!ぬいぐるみシリーズ発売決定!!!!!! 超うれしい!!!!!!!!!!!
HAPPY RAICHU DAY⚡ #ライチュウの日 2/6 is the day for #26, the best, cutest, softest, and most pancake of all Pokemon, RAICHU. I have loved Raichu since 1997 and this collection contains items that I have held since that year. ライチュウを愛している方へのハッピーライチュウの日!