Daniel Deng 邓奕铭(@ddengart)さんの人気ツイート(古い順)

Hi #PortfolioDay I'm Daniel and I just like painting characters ddengart.com
Preview of things to come #GenshinImpact
Yoimiya! 🎆 Good luck to everyone pulling for this absolute bundle of energy #GenshinImpact #原神
New OC, her name is Feng
Baal. Raiden Shogun. The Almighty electro archon is here #GenshinImpact #原神
Version with 'Raijin'
Old Fire Emblem sketch I did last year that I had forgotten about
Summer festival Yoimiya commission for her awesome VA @JennyYokobori I hope this brings lots of warm summer vibes!☀️#genshinimpact #原神
#repostday some older stuff!
Full Art for the box art of @GenshinTarot #GenshinImpact
Reposting old Beidou painting
⭐️Hi all! I've finally opened up a print store!⭐️ I'll be selling prints on inprint, and will be periodically adding in old and new pieces. Thank you for all the support! ⭐️Link in comments!⭐️
Reposting more older stuff; Dark Magician Girl WIP (except I don't think I actually ever posted this lol)
Quick Yae scribble, gonna return to this eventually
Raiden Shogun commission for her almighty VA @annejyatco! Anne will have prints of these soon, keep a look out! :) #genshinimpact #原神 #RaidenShogun
More Yae :v
CapCut is fun 😂
Quick and foolish doodle
Genshin fashion sketches. I'm thinking about turning these into acrylic standees #GenshinImpact #原神
Commission of Rosetta from Granblue Fantasy for her VA @SimplyAllegra ! Allegra will have these as signed prints for sale on her shop! #グラブル
#originalcharacter :o I used to have a lot, I don't currently have that many.. but here are my current ocs, some stuck in WIP limbo