
some ppl here need to be reminded that if you don't have anything nice to talk about in a public social media setting, its much more beneficial for the sake of both others who were affected first-hand and /you/ to observe in silence and sort out your thoughts in your own head
220925 #BETHESUNinJKT soundcheck ❤️
playful boohoon during World >ᴗ< 💕 #우지 #승관 #SEVENTEENinNEWARK #BETHESUN_NEWARK
jihoon was asked out of the 96z who feels like a younger brother (instead of a same-age friend) the most & he said besides him everyone feels like theyre younger ㅋㅋ then he pointed to hosh who’s beside him and said “especially this one” 😄 twitter.com/_tigerinmymind…
220717 ONINNASIA 대만 영통 팬싸 #우지 #WOOZI #세븐틴  the lighting got wayy brighter halfway so its a bit hard to see his face but jihoon is still so lovely to look at 🥰🖤🧢
💎 dino-ya do you miss Indonesian Carat? 🦦 of course! i miss Carats wherever/anywhere they are (🥺)
chan was doing the heavens cloud hint but halfway he breaks character poor baby couldnt find the camera he had to ask where it is 🥹
a lot of us must be feeling the same mixed feeling in our chest.. but world tour is confirmed to happen = our time will come soon!!! in the meanwhile lets enjoy this new beginning to the new era & come get ur support hug here CARAT GROUP HUG!!! 🫂
221120 BE THE SUN OSAKA #원우 today’s call3x dance break: wonu!! 😸🕺🏻📞
OHHH snapshoot seems to be switched to call3x cause vernon did a dance break for call3x
220426 Woozi ending ment 🍚 Caratland seems to be members’ incredibly precious time. It has been long since we last met & no one could’ve expected it.. Up till recently we worried a lot on whether we could overcome the empty/unfilled parts- (cont.)
careful note for carats planning to go to LV: the company in charge of this event has been repeatedly mentioned to be sus w their wordings, in which the package given is not as “wonderful” as it seems for the value of money. just a fruit of thought in ur process of planning! twitter.com/vernonslyrics/…
this is it THIS era is woozi’s selfie era
220601 사운드웨이브 영통 팬싸 #우지 #세븐틴  💙 could u wish friends & I luck for ticketing tomorrow? ;; 🍚 oh! very—fighting—I am rooting for you! 🙏🏻 💙 in eng too? 😄 🍚 english?????? 🍚 —— I pray for you 👍🏻 💙 oh! yes pray for me 😆 🍚 ok!!! 😆
Menu for today's CHEERS prerec stage support truck is so cute,,, ;u; 🍒 Seungcheoliade (승체리에이드) 🐯 Horangapplejuice (호랑애플주스) 🍚 Wooamericano (우아메리카노)
hosh: *copies vern’s part in back it up* vn: oh u actually did rly well.. stage switch one day? hosh: oh I would love that *both shakes hand* wz: why did u talk like u just met today hosh: actually today is the first time I stand beside vernon like this on stage .-.
220925 woozi ending ment day 2 🍚 first of all I would like to thank everyone for coming I will not easily mistake your voice (for anything and remembers it well) Jakarta is awesome 👍🏻 Terimakasih 👋🏻😊 #BETHESUNinJKT #우지 #WOOZI
“let us look at the stupid one” *stares at the camera lense* JUNHAO STOPPPP
op figured out that svt filmed the bowling gose recording on the exact same day of mcountdown Ruby stage! thats why jihoon was the only one wearing full makeup 🥺 thats the hardworking vobo twitter.com/chrinchiring/s…
🐯 im predicting that clips from this (gymming) will appear more than the holiday vlog I recorded— 🐯 I forgot to pack extra battery but honestly the battery drains faster than expected 🍚 oh , the cam is not cost effective then (📷 : is hurt) 🐯🍚 *laughs*
loving these parallel ‹𝟹
jaejae said “LOL woozi just looks straight ahead (while eating). You eat with such a good posture” and hoon /nods nods/ nothing can distract jihoonie when he is eating 🥹
🍚 hoshi-ya you are a tiger 🐯 woozi-ssi??? 🍚 hoshi-ya you are a tiger 🐯 woozi-ssi???? 🍚 from now on you are a tiger got it? 🐯 WOOZI-SSI??? 🥺 *in disbelief*