🎆🎆🎆@C0MMS OPEN(@mycynosure)さんの人気ツイート(いいね順)

La Veriteお疲れ様!イベストに推しの3人が主演は超超超よかった〜!!!!💐💖
喫茶店に行くカフェ友と真澄くん☕️ #真澄ぶるーみんぐ
動画を観てくれてありがとうございます!監督たちの感動的な気持ちが伝わってきてとても嬉しい。これからもエースリーを応援しましょう!🎉 Thank you for watching my fan MV! I'm glad to hear how moved everyone was by it! Let's keep doing our best as directors!!✨ #A3_6th_anniversary twitter.com/mycynosure/sta…
芝居と共に、素敵な毎日が楽しめるよ ❄️💎✨✨ #月岡紬生誕祭2022 #月岡紬誕生祭2022
💐✨A3 AND DESIGN : 2000th Day Revisit✨💐 It’s been +1000 Days since the last time I made my previous design thread. What better way to celebrate the game's 2000th day than to look back and go through the designs brought out by A3! once again! 🧵 ⬇️⬇️⬇️
※女体化 hana high nyota with banri making use of a boob wallet
njsjEN x a3 !!!! Sorting decided by elipeto, but drawing them out was pure indulgence ✨✨ outfits were slightly altered for parody's sake!! ※パロです
大切な役、大切な思い出、そして見つけたの自力、すべてがこの衣装に込めて #至ぶるーみんぐ
Before the 5th Anniversary day ends, I want to talk about the anniv concept this year, and how far everyone in the cast has come. Because there’s just something so wonderful about the whole concept of being Under The Same Starry Sky, especially for each person in MANKAI (1/?)
the rad red
ベレー帽とメガネは、家族に迎えられたばかりの千景によく似合っている #千景ぶるーみんぐ
自然を愛し、自然に愛される妖怪というの衣装を感じられる #咲也ぶるーみんぐ
ombre banri came to me in a vision