i will always remember this vid as the one that started it all for me 😂
from sharing a drink, to sharing clothes, then sharing credit cards. what's next? 😜
bright greeting mama ole and win greeting mommy chutikan, both referring to them as “mae” 🥰 #ไบร์ทวิน twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
when asked who would they rather be stuck in a deserted island with, b said “i'll be with him”, pertaining to w. then here comes a magazine article where he said “it's okay because w is there”. SO in conclusion, b knows he's gonna be fine as long as they're together 🫠
bw and bws after the preparing cards/money and being the personal ATM info was spilled #ไบร์ทวิน
bw: bws:
what did we do? you two are SUS
☀️: when the staff told us “bw you should prepare white shoes for tomorrow”, win will turn to me and say “p’bright, please prepare for me too”
🐰: i come well prepared with money and credit cards, p'bright never prepares anything at all!
just bros preparing things for their bro
☀️: it's okay because win is there
☀️: it's okay because win is there
☀️: it's okay because win is there
☀️: it's okay because win is there
☀️: it's okay because win is there
☀️: it's okay because win is there
☀️: it's okay because win is there
w keeps b's passport, w's spotted with two big luggages when they're travelling, now they reveal he prepares credit cards and money for the both of them. i say CONJUGAL.
another reason why i thought it's b. they're towering over the other ppl there and HE'S STANDING NEXT TO A GUY WITH ALMOST THE SAME HEIGHT AS HIM ask me who i think these two might be 🤡 twitter.com/thebweffect/st…