
April Reward Preview! "Rouen" from "Shining Tears x Wind" [[ For who had subscribe during April only.    The work will be release around 5th of May 2023]]
I rewarded the puppy for being a good boy After I went out for a jog! XD
Ready For Songkran Festival?
March Reward Preview! "Yao(Onsen)" from "Sdorica" [[ For who had subscribe during March only. The work will be release around 5th of April 2023]]
Lerning and trying new technique
February Reward Preview! "Pubraseer" from "Live a hero" [[ For who had subscribe during February only. The work will be release around 5th of March 2023]]
My new OC "4"
January Reward Preview! "Incineroar" from "Pokemon" [[ For who had subscribe during January only. The work will be release around 5th of February 2023]]
Congratulate Art 90K+ Follower!! Thank you all for every support >w</!!!
Line and Color Test
Machoke Champion!
"Bluedy's Break Time" Blue : Look at you!! My cum is flooding your hole!!
My OC as a Rabbit
Merry Christmas 2022 Everyone!! ^ ^
December Reward Preview! "Rudolf" My "Original Character" [[ For who had subscribe during December only. The work will be release around 5th of January 2023]]
Fan Art : @MonogG
Milk me more!!
November Reward Preview! "Monomasa" form "Live a Hero" [[ For who had subscribe during November only. The work will be release around 5th of December 2022]]
Here this is my itaku! XD :