✦ 📌(@O1ASA)さんの人気ツイート(古い順)

Hello @Spotify, @SpotifyCares, @ygent_official. We have noticed that the song ‘DARARI' by TREASURE has been illegally uploaded on a Spotify profile, "poplin". This is a violation of copyright. Please take a look into this issue and ensure that it won't happen again. Thank you.
Mumpung rame, masi butuh donasi buat heart SMA😞 gapapa gabisa bantu vote tp bisa bantu materi + rt ini😞
Teuhi! Vote SMA lagi berjalan ni dan kita lama banget naiknya 😞 mau bantu tapi gaada waktu buat vote? Tenang aja bisa bantu dengan donasi di #teamloss berapapun diterima asal ikhlas 🥺 help spread this 💓
all eyes on here pls. our daily vote doesnt even get into the top 10 rank. if this keeps on going on, we might have to say goodbye to treasure’s bonsang in SMA. we need huge manpower for the voting, pls hype and vote for SMA. its really simple and easier than mama.
reset time, our target for the day is to get back to # 5 in the main category daily vote + minimize the gap with # 4. i hope there will be more people that contribute in SMA voting cause we need it to give treasure another bonsang. lets bring the hype in teuland, please?
teume please hype sma, our daily is in # 12 and if this keeps going on, goodbye bonsang for treasure tho. if you still dont know or cant vote, pls check the twt below / you can also donate some money, itll help a lot. treasure deserve another award😔
whats with this year sma’s hype? i cant feel it at all, unlike years before. if our progress keep on going like this, we will get out of top 10 and treasure wont get the bonsang they deserve —
can all of teuland join and vote sma? we desperately need more manpower now, its not to late to catch up and rise higher in the rank. its really easy to vote, just follow the tutorial in my pinned. lets all work together and make treasure win another bonsang😔🫶🏻
Good Job! we already reached 12k vote at this hour😭 what if 15k before reset? if we got higher daily vote, our total vote will rise too. the gap isnt safe at all, keep voting and making account!
Reset time, our challenge for the day is to get into top 5 in daily rank. i believe we can do this if we all work together. imagine how happy would the members be if we got another bonsang this year?
EMERGENCY VOTE🚨 EMERGENCY RANK🚨 get 100 💛 = 1 vote, everyday just by claiming daily attendance! we desperately need more manpower and the monster voters rn. dont you want to give treasure another bonsang?
where is the hype in sma, all fandom is on the move and doing mass vote, if we dont move as well, goodbye bonsang for treasure fr. please teuland yall need to wake up before its too late.
Bisa gasi semua teuland mau akun kecil, besar atau sedengan bantu vote SMA 😞 gapapa kalau cuma bisa satu itu bakal bantuan banget apalagi 10. Ayo bawa bonsang lagi buat jikjin 😭🙌🏻
morning teuland, we are back in # 8. if you have some 💛 savings, pls drop 60% to go up till we are at least back in 6th. keep creating accs and collect 💛 too. dont forget to claim the daily attendance for free 100💛 hearts. treasure needs you all.
[SPREAD] hello teumes! just a reminder to keep dropping votes on sma. if you have some free time, take it seriously the way we did on MAMA, remember that the award we're fighting for is bonsang and SMA is one of the major award show in sokor @treasuremembers
‼️ D-9 of SMA‼️ teume we only have last days left to boost our rank and we're in danger. highest rank : more point, so pls take a bit serious from now. we never know about judges point for now so we need to reach more point with voting!! fighting we need to get bonsang🥺
Day - 8 where is the hype on sma? this is one of the biggest award in korea tho, imagine hw happy they’d be if they win. its not to late to wake up and vote together cause what we need here is unity. we used to be the biggest voter in sma 2020, where are you?
hello teume, our rank keep going down in such a terrifying rate. pls vote, its not too late. at least donate / help us hype the timeline. please, sma is such a huge award in kr. i hope teuland wake up soon and vote together😔
our rank is in real emergency, our gap keep increasing with the seventh place. the other fandoms started to realize that this award is a good one, when are teuland going to wake up? i hope everyone will realize before its too late
morning teuland dont forget to collect 💛 as much as you can cause we HAVE TO go up to sixth place, watch the ads and answer quizzes! dont forget to claim daily attendance too!
all eyes on here pls. our daily vote doesnt even get into the top 10 rank. if this keeps on going on, we might have to say goodbye to treasure’s bonsang in SMA. we need huge manpower for the voting, pls hype and vote for SMA. its really simple and easier than mama.