ChiaYeeeE 佳怡 (commish closed)(@c_poring)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

It's alright now.
摸一些東西解壓, 表達了一些對於不同區域的怪物設計感 的個人感覺
Creature doodle , tigrex maybe?
欠了幾個月的委託單完成謝謝…… delayed commission done thank youu ><
委託完成謝謝;v; digimon commission completed thank you
creature concept art for my Manhua comic work "humanized" :> feel free to read if u are interested…
謝謝大家的追蹤! thank you for following!
Commission completed~thankyou 委託完成謝謝!
10mins doodle 十分鐘隨手
some friend's commissions wip
厚塗單委託完成謝謝支持 _(;3JL)_ commission completedd thank you
被拖n久的9月最後委託完成……非常感謝 ;v; september last commission completed thank youu
free style perspective trying (◍´꒳`◍)
English translated is here uvu just some personal opinions about the two different kind of monster design
creature doodle
同樣是欠了n月的委託完成謝謝惠顧 ;; another delayed commission done thank youu ><
委託完成~感謝支持 commission completed thank youu
開畫第二話之前先把之前的欠下的委託完成一些…… _(:3JL)_ 謝謝惠顧~ commission done thank youu
coo-coo clock
今天來點快速的小小儀式感 祝大家有個快樂的跨年日 ovo happy new year!
trying another dino creature making