Metal Gear Solid MGN(@MGSMGN)さんの人気ツイート(いいね順)

A あ ☆∴。 HIDEO 秀夫 ・ 。☆∴。 KOJIMA 小島 ☆∴。 *・゚*。★・ GAME ゲーム ・ 。 ☆∴。
Open this if you miss Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. #メタルギア #MetalGearSolid2
This video of Bill Yokoyama, who is credited with the gunplay along with Tornado Yoshida for Revolver Ocelot (Thx @HEITAIs) still remains undefeated. The mo-cap work for MGS3 was amazing. This remains as one of my favorite scenes in the game. 🥰😤😎 #メタルギア #MetalGearSolid
21 years ago, Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty changed the gaming world forever. Hideo Kojima's technical marvel made it one of the best PS2 titles to ever to be released and is critically-acclaimed to this day. 😤🥳🎉👑 #メタルギア #MGS2
June 12, 2008 marks the 15th anniversary of the global release of Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. Boasting groundbreaking graphics for the Sony PlayStation 3, it would go on to be one of the biggest releases in series history. 2008年6月12日、『メタルギア ソリッド 4……
╬═╬ ╬═╬ SNAKE EATER ╬═╬ ╬═╬ OH I'm still in a dream ╬═╬ ╬═╬ Snake Eater ╬═╬ ╬═╬ I'm still in a dream ╬═╬ ╬═╬ I fly to you ╬═╬ ╬═╬ Crime, it's the way ╬═╬ ╬═╬ There'll be no one else ╬═╬ ╬═╬ In my tiiime ╬═╬ ╬═╬
Open this if you miss Metal Gear Solid. #メタルギア #MetalGearSolid
“I'm like you, I have no name” - Gray Fox, Metal Gear Solid // "私もあなたと同じで、名前がない" - グレイ・フォックス(メタルギアソリッド #メタルギア #MetalGearSolid
The Art of Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty メタルギア ソリッド 2 サンズ・オブ・リバティ』のアートについて #メタルギア #MetalGearSolid #MGS2
Some amazing artwork from concept artist コンセプトアーティストによる素晴らしいアートワークの数々 Coffee&Perspective @marcwashere_cp #メタルギア #MetalGearSolid
Love watching videos like this with Tornado Yoshida on the mocap set for Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater doing motion capture performance with those Revolvers for Ocelot. 🥰 #メタルギア #MetalGearSolid
"We need no reason to fight. We fight because we are needed." "私たちに戦う理由はない。必要とされるから戦うのです。" #メタルギア #MetalGearSolid
Commencing operation Snake Eater. スネークイーター作戦開始。 #MGSDelta #メタルギア #MetalGearSolid
Metal Gear keeps trending... Do it you cowards!! #メタルギア #MetalGearSolid #PS5
Who's going to tell them. 😅…
10 Years ago today, Mar 27, 2013 at GDC, Hideo Kojima officially announced Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain with this amazing trailer featuring the song from band Garbage – "Not Your Kind of People". 10年前の今日、2013年3月27日、GDCで小島秀夫監督は「Metal Gear Solid V: The……
I've never seen a girl look good cosplaying this
Can we get a fighting game like this featuring characters only from the Metal Gear universe? 😍 メタルギアの世界だけのキャラクターが登場する、こんな格闘ゲームがあってもいいのでは?😍 video via: @yoracrab #メタルギア #MetalGearSolid
We 👏 have 👏 not 👏 forgotten! Bring it back! #メタルギア #MetalGearSolid #PS5
The PS5 came out on 11/12/20. Over 2 years old now heading to 3 years & we haven't had a single announcement about any possible Metal Gear Solid game other than a lot of false rumors from people with zero credibility whatsoever. This could possibly be the first time a……
On April 29, 2010, Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker was released on the PSP. One of the most underrated games in the series. Even better when it was re-released HD on the PlayStation 3/Xbox 360. 2010年4月29日、PSPで「メタルギアソリッド……
Would you be down to play?👀 #metalgearsolid #PS5
Some of the earliest images of Metal Gear Solid playable on the PlayStation. メタルギアソリッドをプレイステーションでプレイできるようにした初期のイメージの一部です。 #メタルギアの思い出 #MetalGearMemories #メタルギア #MetalGearSolid
Solid Snake - Yoji Shinkawa #メタルギア #MetalGearSolid
Metal Gear Solid. Originally released on the Sony @PlayStation system by the creative genius @Kojima_Hideo on September 3, 1998 in Japan. This masterpiece forever changed storytelling and stealth action in video games as we know it. 23 years! 🥳🎉🎂 #メタルギア #MetalGearSolid