Park Myung Soo mentioned he met
Yoongi in the sauna again, and Yoongi said he knew Park talked about him~ Park was like "I did!! What? I Cannot do that? I did that cuz I'm your fan! " Then they laughed together. He said Yoongi was so heartwarming. twitter.com/DtsugA_39/stat…
While the lift was going down, Jungkook was like Yoongi!!! Then ARMYs all burst out laughing kkk twitter.com/KeeponlovingV/…
[Eng] Must be very cold.. twitter.com/DALGORANG/stat…
🐱 I hope those good sides of me and good things could always become happy memories. So we should work harder, right?
I always feel thankful and I always love you ARMY!
🐰 🔪
🐱 Nice, look at those knife skills ~! 😆
Oh baby took his notebook this time 🥺
🐱 I need to go to the studio and do arrangement everyday. if we can enjoy with ARMYs together, I can do anything no matter what it is. twitter.com/_SUGA3O9_/stat…
🐱 A question that provokes me? "What can you accomplish if you're so lazy like that? " "What would you do with such laziness? " I think this kind of question quite provokes me. I do tend to try hard to live diligently and busily, but I'm still not satisfied,
Yoongi said he can't look at (ARMYs) kkk since they're wearing masks so he can't look at fans' philtrum(face), then ARMYs said he can look at forehead 🤣 and before 'For Youth', some ARMYs said Yoongi marry me, but the staff stopped It. twitter.com/pinkpenderV/st…
🐱 Umbrella! What's the umbrella for?
🐥 It's for keeping out the wet
🐱 That's it! Isn't it for keeping out the wet?
🐥 You can also keep out the wet if you stay still
🐹 Yoongi ssi, then pls don't wear the clothes and cover (your body) with leaves
🐨 Why do you eat?
➕ twitter.com/BRILLER__613/s…
#슈가쿠키 #SUGACookie
🐱 Make some noise~~~~~!
A scent you want for your bedroom?
🐱 I can't handle scents because of my rhinitis. I can't use perfumes either. So I just hope it doesn't smell bad.
🐱 Since my birthday is in March, I feel like I age quicker. I stay the same age as Seokjin hyung for nine months.
🐨 Can you call him as Seokjin ah if he's the same as you, then? Hey, Jin ah, you good?
🐱 Oh I should still be polite ~
BTS 'Proof' Live - For Youth Suga
🐱 I weighed myself before the concert. Did I do that this morning? After the concert, I lost 1. 5kg.
🐰 Oh really?
🐥 I thought he's talking about the concert. Let's talk about the next topic. twitter.com/eterna1promi3e…
🐰 🥰
🐱 His face turned red.
Yoongi came and asked fans that weren't they sleepy? And fans were like "no~~~!! " and at the end Yoongi also told fans that make sure to go back home safely twitter.com/meow93d/status…
SUGA will launch his own talkshow contents "SUCHWITA"
- In the "SUCHWITA", with drinking and music, SUGA will meet people from various areas, sharing the real story in a way by talkshow
- SUGA will show his knowledge in music and different fireds, ➕ twitter.com/sugasugagak/st…
Die for Yoongi's part🥹🥹🥹
and I was like: why not? Let's do it. Then we worked on it together and he did the featuring. Here I'd like to say thank you to him ~
(sorry I just noticed this part didn't be sent outㅜ)