Thankyou for teaching me japanese, teaching me japanese dances, always checking I’m okay, for being my translator. Most importantly, thank you for being there and making me laugh. It’s so hard being away from home, but you made japan feel like home 💙 Arigatou Hana-San 💙
My heart hurts. 💔 Please stop bullying and abusing. Even what you may think are ‘harmless’ comments or ‘a joke’. People may not take it that way. This goes out to everyone. Be kind. If you don’t have anything nice to say. Then don’t say anything.
Team @DMcIntyreWWE from the start! 💪🏻 Hell of a throwback to 2012! 🙈 Good luck tonight! #WrestleMania
Do you now understand why I stayed quiet? I am now getting a lot of nasty comments from other female wrestlers. My story has always been irelevant. I am insensitive and I am not allowed to voice my abuse. ALL forms of abuse MUST STOP.
This little Angel has been battling brain cancer and her dream is the speak to @TheRock 🥺 Let’s show that dreams can come true. Like & Retweet 🙏🏻
I’ve officially been contracted to @WWE for 3 years 🥳👏🏼
Please please take 2 minutes out of your day to sign THIS petition! This Man has killed 3 dogs now and it needs to stop! Please sign this petition to help take this case to court 🙏🏻 They only need 3000 more signatures 🙏🏻…
Not a single person in this gif is a Brit thoughhhh 🤔🇬🇧…
ありがとうございます #ClubVenus #Stardom
These girls killed it tonight!! 💪🏻 Congratulations to you both 💙 @AlexaBliss_WWE @NikkiCrossWWE…
Okay but @EdgeRatedR 👏🏼 First one in - last one to leave 👏🏼 That’s a motto I stand by 🤗 #RoyalRumble
I have been bullied since day 1 in this industry and it’s something I felt I just had to deal with but the truth is no one should. I will not take away from the other stories but I can honestly say I have felt more abused by more woman than men.
Our stories are incomparable. No one has the right to tell anyone that their story is not as bad as someone else’s. ALL abuse MUST STOP ✋🏼
2020 Special Limited Edition Calendar 🦋 Retweet for yes 💙
🇺🇸 Surprise!!! 🇺🇸 I’m moving to America!!! For wrestling, events and appearances please email -
Once you start to believe in yourself, magic starts to happen 🤍💙
F.L.Y 🦋 First Love Yourself 💙