Sey @ FGO LB7 part 2 soon!(@exceddius)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

#FGO [SPOILERS] Lostbelt n°7 - Nahui Mictlān About Part 1 - Characters & Objectives at the end of Part 1 - The Underworld of Mictlān
#FGOAC In December in FGO Arcade! Babylonia Chapter!
#FGO In Arcade, Proto Merlin seems to have the role of Fou-kun. Merlin himself could be a Beast depending on his evolution. Proto Merlin is less nice. She doesn't necessarily want a happy ending and has no regrets. Then, seriously she's 20kg, that was a hell of a red flag, guys!…
#FGO Arthur Pendragon (Prototype) has a new line if Lady Avalon is in your Chaldea...
#FGO Advertising campaign in Japan reveal the release months of the upcoming Road to 7 campaigns. Road to 7 LB4 > September LB5 > October LB6 > November
#FGO Next Event: Gudaguda!
#FGO Pretender Lady Avalon & Saber Gareth!
#FGO Theory.🤔
#FGO I like the improvements on the charadesign of Saber Charlemagne.
#FGO Lostbelt 6.5 Servants – Theories compilation As for my preferences: Kriemhild (mentioned in FGO), Oliver or Rinaldo (close to Roland/Bramante + mentioned in Link), Charlemagne (all hair strands match), Roland (no doubt) and... Theodora (Byzantine Empress) is a good idea.
#FGO CBC 2022 - Oberon and Merlin... wow
#FGO More puppies
#FGO 25M Downloads Campaign - 05/11~05/18 - Free ★4 Servant Ticket. You can choose one of the 68 Servant 05/13~05/20 - Free ★4 Craft Essence Ticket. You can choose one of the 47 CE 05/11~05/18 - Required: clear some LB chapters for some CE - Campaign 100,000 RT to get 30 SQ
#FGO During the last broadcast, Anjou mentioned that the next event would have a new Servant. Since the Valentine's Day event ends on February 23, it's possible that the new Servant will be in CBC 2022 event... 🤔
#FGO Thank you so much FGO.