GulfKanawut Girlfriend CNFC(@gulf_gfd_cn)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

Let's go party 🥳🤟🏻 #GULF1stFMinHongkong
So excited 😆😆🧡 #GULF1stFMinHongkong
Every time in the past 3 years, we have tried our best to say that we love you and support you. The difference is that this time we have a chance to say it ourselves. Love you as always 💛🧡 Susu na #GULFgotoHongKong @gulfkanawut #Gulfkanawut…
Welcome to Hong Kong, our boy 💖💖💖 #GULFgotoHongKong @gulfkanawut…
We are ready!!!!🥰🥰🥰 GULF READY TO HK #GULFgotoHongKong @gulfkanawut…
【Gulf Kanawut - HK LED PROJECT】 🌟🌟Video Preview🌟🌟 💜Location: Causeway Bay – 3 Matheson Road ❤️Time: 4.15-4.16 ( 8:00-23:00 ) 💛frequency: 30s ( 6 spots per hour ) See u tomorrow 🥳🥳🥳 @gulfkanawut #GulfKanawut
【Gulf Kanawut - HK LED PROJECT】 💜Location: Causeway Bay – 3 Matheson Road ❤️Time: 4.15-4.16 ( 8:00-23:00 ) 💛frequency: 30s ( 6 spots per hour ) This time, many Chinese Phi Balls will attend our ⚽ Family Party. We are all very excited!!! 😃😃 @gulfkanawut #GulfKanawut
What a joyful and grand Festival !!!🥳🥳 We provided 30pcs snack boxes for the team. - H&C croissant + Banoffee cake - Tuna salad croissant + Banoffee cake Hope Kana and Phi Phi will have fun and enjoy it 💛💛💛⚽⚽⚽ #BelovedFestival53ปีดีต่อใจ #GulfKanawut @gulfkanawut
Congratulation🥰🥰🥰 We are so happy for you Our boy is amazing!!!!!👍🏻 #FriendofGUCCIXGulf #GulfKanawut @gulfkanawut
We will support you every step of the way. 漫漫长路的每一步,我们都会支持着你。 💙🤍💙🤍💙 @gulfkanawut #GulfKanawut…
辞旧迎新之际,小分队很开心能为糕糕送上一份新春祝福和鼓励🥰 * 饮品餐车一辆(供应数量100份) * 服务时间 9:00 - 12:00(泰时) 金虎辞旧去,玉兔迎新来。祝福糕糕在2023年万事顺遂,喜乐安康,事业步步高💖💖🔥🐰 也祝小足球们新春快乐,阖家欢乐💕 #GulfKanawut @gulfkanawut
We have prepared a birthday gift for you. Hope you know our love is always by your side. keep fighting and never give up na🥰🥰 Happy birthday, baby @gulfkanawut #GulfKanawut #GiftGulfBirthDay25th #SpectrumofGULF…
I hope Phi Balls who went to the scene can share us pictures, and we will be very grateful. Enjoy wonderful time today naka 🥰🥰 #GulfKanawut @gulfkanawut
🌸 Birthday Project 🌸 " 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝑩𝒚 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑾𝒊𝒏𝒅 " We will always keep a warm place in my heart for you. Happy birthday, dear Kana💖 Love From Chinese Phiballs #GulfKanawut @gulfkanawut
Hope you enjoy the football match and be safe. Chinese fans have prepared some desserts ( Canele and Tarts ) to replenish your energy. Blue team & Kana, susu na💙⚽💙 #GulfKanawut @gulfkanawut #3PLUSSTARMATCH
20220917 TB娱乐推文翻译 鉴于今天所发生的事件,本公司并不会放任不管,且再次严正声明,本公司当时已经按照规定流程请求了允许。若有任何人发现一些导致本公司艺人声誉受损或被人误解的行为,均可通知本公司,本公司将会收集所有证据,并依照法律程序对相关人员作出追究。#TBentertainment…
“ 想跟大家说的一件很重要的事情就是,Nong值得大家的喜爱,他也有这个才华和能力。而大家也是Nong取得成功的力量源泉。既然我们的儿子这么完美,那我们就会很自豪地向大家推荐和安利,这样我们的大家庭就会变得越来越壮大和繁荣。🎉🎊” #gulfkanawut…
Congrats and wish you the best on your Japan Fan meeting. Enjoy! 😄😄💖💖 GULF IN JAPAN #Gulf1stFMJP @gulfkanawut
Dear kana, hope you have a wonderful time in Japan🥰🥰 We're here to cheer you on, susu naaa💖💖 Safe flight KANAWUT #LetsGULFtoJAPAN
220812 糕糕推特更新 👼🏻:母亲节快乐,我想借此机会感谢每一位母亲,祝大家都幸福快乐、身体健康哦💙 #Gulfkanawut @gulfkanawut…
Gulf says this like a parent 555555… It's so cute! I want to say that because we are family, we are happy to give you encouragement. 🤲🏼💖@gulfkanawut
With the support of Chinese Phi Balls, we voted a total of 418,000❤️. We are grateful for constant support and trust.😭😭😭😭 谢谢所有支持我们的小足球们,爱你们🥰🥰🥰 #GulfKanawut #ลูกบอลของคุณบิ๊กกลัฟ #PhiBalls