Jack Posobiec 💎(@JackPosobiec)さんの人気ツイート(いいね順)

The government found $14 billion for a foreign war but couldn't fund the border wall or basic infrastructure upgrades You're being played
Time for some hard truth: Elites stand to make billions if the US goes to war. It’s your dollars they’re spending. And it won’t be their families doing the fighting. Follow the money
A country that censors its opposition, attacks independent media, locks up dissidents, and freezes bank accounts of protesters is an authoritarian regime
Shinzo Abe has been one of the fiercest anti-communists in all of Asia and was never afraid to stand up to the CCP. He dedicated his life to defending his country
Jackson gave an industrial-level child porn trafficker a light sentence Cruz asked her why she did that She just glared at him. Then Durbin cut off the questioning. This is your government.
Russia has now banned Twitter, Facebook, and the BBC
BREAKING: Croatian Member of European Parliament calls Justin Trudeau a ‘dictator’ to his face "We watched how you trample women with horses” thepostmillennial.com/watch-european…
You can immediately drop the price of oil by authorizing the Keystone pipeline, expanding domestic drilling, and fracking. Yes, fracking. Then go all-in on nuclear. So much of this comes down to pipelines and energy.
Biden released the 20th 9/11 hijacker from Gitmo back to Saudi today and is trying to hope no one will notice
Biden promised to nominate a black woman to the court but the woman he nominated after saying he would nominate a woman can't define what a woman is - make it make sense
TRUMP at Turning Point: Every member of the military kicked out over the vaccine will be reinstated with an apology and back pay
So can we talk about Uranium One and Burisma now
Nationwide trucker strike far more effective than an American convoy that will be immediately infiltrated
Judge Jackson seriously just got extremely angry and argued pedophiles shouldn't have to be locked up so long if they only look at child porn for 15 minutes This person should not be on the highest court in our land
So does anyone remember COVID
Biden claiming his policies aren't to blame for gas prices skyrocketing is a rare example of literal gas-lighting
Bruce Willis news is so sad. What a talent. Just remember - we never know how long we get in this life.
They are using Alex Jones to go after freedom of speech. If you don’t speak out against this, you will be next
Good morning to everyone except judges who can't define what a woman is
People ask why I am skeptical of MSM and US govt war narratives and I would just say, why would you trust these people after everything they’ve pulled over the last 5 years?
I don't know who needs to hear this but the science said depression was caused by a 'chemical imbalance' for 20 years and this has just been debunked
Daily reminder Biden could tank the price of oil and grind Russia’s war to a halt financially by unleashing American energy. He won’t.
So how is everyone enjoying the Great Reset
Good morning to everyone except judges who protect pedophiles