
Jinhwan's Speed Quiz Q: Are you doing On Air? A: Of cos. Q: Try promoting it. A: I’m appearing there. Q: When's the next album? A: When can we release it? Q: Will there be a solo? A: Preparing for solo. Q: How’s it like to be the oldest hyung? A: Try it yourself. @YG_iKONIC
Junhoe: “To see it strictly, we no longer have the power of influence as compared to last time, so our popularity can’t be seen rising anymore. Moreover, we’re not even staying at that position. We've dropped further.” YOU ARE LOVED iKON #iKON_DrOhGoldenClinic @YG_iKONIC #iKON
Junhoe: "Be healthy, everyone Whether it's your body or mind Do especially take care of your mental health" 🥺💕 @YG_iKONIC #iKON #아이콘
Fan: "I'm curious about LOVER.. Can you give us more spoilers?" Hanbin: "It's just you guys couldn't spot it😎" it = the spoiler ahahah
What if you could go back in time? Hanbin: "I don't want to go back to the past. But if I really had to, I'd go back to school days and fool around more. I have no desire to study." twitter.com/DC_BI_gallery/…
No but I find this so cute😭 Yeah? B.I ON AUDACY #CheckInWithBI #비아이 @shxx131bi131
THE ADMIN DESCRIPTIONS, SO CUTE 😭 "You won't be able to scroll further seeing a visual like this for the first pic." "What could Jinhwan be thinking while looking at the mirror? Perhaps could he be admiring his own appearance? 🤔"
Hanbin and mystery box 😂😂😂😂 HANBIN IN SINGAPORE #BIOfflineinSingapore #HANBIN #김한빈 @shxx131bi131
Fan complimented Hanbin that his acting is really good (from Waterfall's mirror scene to the current teaser films) Hanbin: "Rather than calling it acting, it's just more like expressions^^" HUMBLE BIN
Chanwoo: There's an item that Jinhwan hyung really likes, but I didn't expect him to like it that much. You'll know if you continue watching the show. It's a secret. Jinhwan: I'm not sure about it either. Tell me? Chanwoo: *whispering* Jinhwan: Kiss..? Chanwoo: Hehe secret.
Hanbin: "I don’t have many songs... I really wanted to do 3-4 hours of concert, but I don’t have many songs yet." B.I ROCK THE STAGE #1stOnlineConcertBI #비아이_첫솔콘_1열탑승 @shxx131bi131
Hanbin's 5 inspirations: Experience, films, books, fans, convos with people 5 friends that Hanbin recently contacted: Hanbin: "5? I don't have... 2 class/schmates, 2 friends whom I work on music with, there's only 4. Ah I'm missing one more. I guess I don't have 5 friends twitter.com/DC_BI_gallery/…
Suddenly recalled Bobby having trouble continuing his speech and went: "Hang on, just let me refer back to the script first. So... (reads the first line and stops). Eh, haven't I already said this." iKONICs laughed and iKON teased and asked Bobby why didn't he memorise it😂
-3rd Place- Bobby: [Save me Save me Save me] -Unread- "HEYY!!! I BOUGHT YOU SHOES!!!" -Read- Hwiyoung: [Hyungnim What happened?] @YG_iKONIC #iKON #아이콘
Donghyuk: "There's not a single song that you don't know about, so do really sing along together and scream a lot. I trust you, iKONICs!"
Q: Something you want to convey the most through this album? Hanbin: Even without me telling, I think this album consists of various emotions where you can feel what I want to convey just by listening to it. B.I ZIP IS HERE @shxx131bi131 #BI #비아이
Fan: Donghyuk oppa, when you write a song, is the melody or lyrics more important? Donghyuk: iKONIC is important @YG_iKONIC #아이콘 #iKON
Jinhwan: It was tough but we made many memories. I feel relieved now that it's ended. Thank you for that. Yunhyeong: Finally, after the 100-day long run, Kingdom has ended! @YG_iKONIC #iKON #아이콘
[211228] Street Dance Girls Fighter - iKON Cut Squid vs KLWC 'At Ease' Performance #iKON #아이콘 @YG_iKONIC
ID: I just wanted to let you know this piece of good news. I’m going to get married next week. I’ve been your fan for 8 years and I was happy. Thank you for appearing in my life. I’ll always support you far away in the future. Hanbin: Congratulations. I will miss you. aaaaaaa
Bobby suggested booking a dance studio and do a karaoke kind of concert since people can't go to KTV these days. Donghyuk says to use their phones to film it. Junhoe thinks it's a good idea cos fans are gonna love it. They're accepting song requests on Weverse, so go go go!
Donghyuk: First, I thank you all very much for decorating an amazing page for my life as Donghyuk of iKON all the time. I hope we’ll do that all the way to the last page. It’d be great if you could see my book as unlimited pages. Thank you.
Junhoe: When I saw all the heartfelt words by iKONIC just now, I became even more touched. I always think about what I have actually done to receive all these loves. Thank you so much and let’s continue to walk this path together in the future. Thank you.
Q: If you have a sister, who would you introduce to her? Chanwoo's choice: Jinhwan Reason: Warm-hearted person. Yunhyeong: I can't introduce my younger sister to you! iKON FOR YOU #iKONatKCONTACT4 | #iTSONEisBACK @YG_iKONIC #iKON #아이콘