
Fan: Marrying me vs eating tomato Chanwoo: I eat tomato. I just don't eat ketchup.
Fan: This site is so hard Hanbin: What's important is the spirit of not giving up
Fan: FIGHT ME!!!! Hanbin: I'll have no mercy
Fan: Please recommend me a song to listen to on a rainy day Hanbin: EPIK HIGH - Rain Song let's go
Fan: Oppa do you know your nickname is Mechuri? Hanbin: Of course I know
Hanbin: So there are really people who study through Study With Me.. WDYM
YGE confirmed one of the actors on On Air Spinoff tested positive for COVID-19. Kim Jinhwan, scheduled to join this program has received the relevant tests as preemptive measures, and he did not show any symptoms of infection.
Fan: What? Bonghyuk oppa have you eaten dinner??? Donghyuk: Rather than Bonghyuk, how about (asking) Donghyuk? HHAHAHA
Fan: I'm not sure if you look brighter or the taeyang (sun)... Donghyuk: Youngbae hyungnim is a lot more brighter ♥️ HAHAHHA @YG_iKONIC #iKON #아이콘
Fan: Donghyuk-ah... [caption: give me a reason to live] Donghyuk: So that we can meet ♥️ @YG_iKONIC #아이콘 #iKON
Fan: If this is not iKON TV... then could it be a honeymoon trip with Jinani? No, right, oppa? Yunhyeong: You caught me?kk....0 @YG_iKONIC #아이콘 #iKON
Fan: Donghyuk you keep doing pretty things like this for iKONICs, what should we do for you then ㅠㅠ Donghyuk: Just be by my side OMGAH @YG_iKONIC #iKON #아이콘
Fan: Kim Donghyuk is definitely a left-handed because he's holding onto my heart with his right hand and won't let go of it Donghyuk: Can you feel my heartbeat!!!?! @YG_iKONIC #iKON #아이콘
Hanbin puts in so much effort, not for anyone but his fans, ID 🥺 This scene is simply beautiful🌟 B.I RE-BIRTH LYRIC OUT NOW @shxx131bi131 #BI #비아이
When fan asked why did he write "IDA" instead of "ID" and he quickly changed it 🌟 B.I RE-BIRTH LYRIC OUT NOW @shxx131bi131 #BI #비아이
Remember whenever Kim Hanbin takes the initiative to approach his fans and then talks to them like old friends B.I RE-BIRTH LYRIC OUT NOW @shxx131bi131 #BI #비아이
Fan: Oppa, don't you have a bed? Jinhwan: kkkkkkkkk I had it before but not now HAHHAHA BYE BED SELFIE @YG_iKONIC #아이콘 #iKON
Fan: kkkkk why are iKON and iKONIC so cute like that Donghyuk: ㅠㅠㅠ I really miss iKONIC if I look at something like this... ㅠㅠ I can't stand it, really @YG_iKONIC #iKON #아이콘
Yunhyeong: There's Donghyuk in me!! Donghyuk: No wonder I keep smelling something, so it was the smell of your breath... #iKON #아이콘 @YG_iKONIC
Hanbin: (About Waterfall Perf) As you can see, it's really tiring. I wanna do well but my legs won't listen. I memorised the steps but it's not attractive, right? My look. I'll try to look attractive in the next few days. I'm also running out of stamina @shxx131bi131 #BI #비아이
Hanbin: It's been a while since I filmed a MV and it's my first MV. I will try my very best to release a good outcome with my inadequate skills. B.I ZIP IS HERE @shxx131bi131 #BI #비아이
Q: Have your alcohol tolerance increased? Hanbin: It decreased. I don't drink at places often & I don't like it either. I did practice drinking to increase my tolerance, but it didn't help. So I don't drink & my tolerance decreased. I think the smell of it might even get me drunk
Hanbin: ...or when you feel a little depressed or tired. You know there are times when you're depressed, you kind of feel better when you listen to songs that are sad. I think it'd be good to listen to illa illa in this situation. B.I ZIP IS HERE @shxx131bi131 #BI #비아이
Q: A song in the album that you think would be good to listen to in a particular situation Hanbin: After all, my title song is illa illa. Although the lyrics are sad, I wanted to give it a touch of joy. You can listen to it when you're at the seaside or going for a drive, or..
Hanbin: I wanted to say sorry and thank you to my fans, people around me, my family, and also the words I want to say to myself. This album consists of all that I want to say. B.I ZIP IS HERE @shxx131bi131 #BI #비아이