can we slow this a million times over🥹
230401 TB$ 📰23 "Frankly i was really happy because the cheers were so loud that I couldn't hear the sound (/music)" yuzu😭 yesyesyes!!
"we all sneaked out to watch yuzuru perform on the ice ... truly a star"✨️💫 🔗 SOI twt
the governor of the Iwate prefecture is at the show!😲 and the trip is actually documented in his schedule (was wondering who these people in suits were🙇🏻‍♀️ sorry for my ignorance)
"I've never really worn anything like this. It's embarrassing" (2nd hit after ashura chan🪦)
one thing i appreciate the program recap slow mo the gestures THE GAZE he was one with the phantom
R-right at the camera!!!!!!!!!! 🤯💥
in Madison and Evan latest podcast「Unlaced with Chock and Bates」 [from 3:21 on yuzu] " I feel like we're travelling w one of The Beatles" " the content of his show program is basically competitive long program. He goes out and he's just like nailing it.."
お疲れ様~~!!😆😆 cr: SOI twt (yuzu cut) (yuzu and a cameraman following behind him👀)
230409 📺as@hi Prologue (behind the scenes cut) "It will be a completely different ice show"
🗣 EVERYONE!! We are TV broadcasting, but THIS IS A PHOTO OPPORTUNITY (yuzu lost it here🤣😂"This is embarrassing XD") IT'S SCREENSHOT TIME RIGHT NOW!! ((the last part was soo cute and funny at the same time🤣😂))
a total of 9,614 questions received! (only 48qns in the studio) the QnA segment was really intense😅 (+ all the other qns throughout the show) thank you yuzu for answering them all, with much elaboration💕
Finallyㅠㅠ!! long awaited yuzu appearance on Tetsuko's Room 2hr special for its 48th yr of broadcasting!! T: "no matter what (you're) pleasing to the eye. [Y: TY😆] small face.. beautiful face.. lean (body) [Y: i'm embarrassed☺️ nono] various things everything" 🥰🥰
Y: If Mami sensei wasn't there when i first started skating, I wouldn't be where i am today. Thank you. M: I think (you've had) many difficult times and still do today.. [Y: Yes hehe (his teary eyesㅠㅠ)] but don't give up.. [Y: I'll do my best] this boy🥺…
what's the last pose... WHERE IS THIS PICTURE?
"12 yrs ago, I really thought i wldn't be able to skate for some time aft Mar 11, 2011. Thinking back on those days, i feel once again how blessed i am to be able to skate like this now, to build a rink at this special place, and to be able to skate nt alone, but w friends. TYSM"
Y: "I'm (standing) so far back" Hongo san: "WHY?? Your face is small!! Don't do that!!" HE'S SO IRRITATING!! (+that laughter)🤣😂 ore俺* alert
「🎶...looking so beautiful I don't deserve this. Darling, you look perfect tonight.」 T: Yuzu we all love you. That is wonderful~ Y: I'm too shy but heheh T: It is really wonderful to watch thank you [cr instg tracywilsonk] for sharing these heartwarming momentsㅠㅠ thank you…
yuzu live on Teremasa the day his move to🇨🇦 was announced "I want to be a skater who's able to do everythg.. starting this yr, I'm thinkg of working hard overseas, really to do my best in what i set out to do" ..11 yrs ltr, he went back as 'The G.O.A.T' 'Legend' to bid farewell…
Narrative writing for kids can be tough, but clearly not for yuzu💯 captivating piece from pg111, written in his 1st yr of Jr. High, which ended with how happy he was to be the 1st from the ID-ed list of seeded skaters to be called ..too many 1st to be a coincidence🤭 born🥇…
[230429 cs prologue behinds cut] photoshoot for Prologue pamphlet in Sep 2022 📸 Give me a coyish pose [yuzu in his cutest LOL] 📸 HAHAahaa would i be able to use this
[yuzu's msg for the international viewersㅠㅠㅠㅠ] "Thank you for watching from all around the world. I think i still have lots more to work on and i'll continue to do my best"
THIS IS TOO FUNNY!! staff san is so evil🤭!! M: "Terrible. This was on national network right? I'd like him to stop💢" Y (100%panic mode): ahhhh i'm so sorry!!... really!! M: He didn't do what i said, so i just said "Do it" I wasn't angry😅 Y: No you were angr.. yes.😶
[on-air] "somehow i've got a feeling tht she (mom) had captured what should never be recorded" [unaired] "she is also a presence who's always there to fight together w me..always video recording. Well since young, i too be watching the videos while practicing, and.."
"Something that i think about a lot since i turn pro, that it is a really difficult thing to give one's best performance in a single attempt without the 6min practice.. [1/4]