Y: "Can you play (the music) once more?" 🗣 Doing it again? Y: "I failed at Ina Baur" (pout) Y: "I want to do it..." 🗣 Ok then, counting on you Y: Ok (happy) LOOK AT THIS KID😭 twitter.com/miyatele/statu…
he is so animated i cant (here yuzu shared how he took a screenshot of 2011.11.11, using a laptop against the most accurate timezone clock)
"I'm not sure if i'm going to create an official homepage. As for official SNS, YT is not the only channel, I'm thinking of creating something else. Not only hearing from me, but where everyone can message and comment" WE ARE IN GOOD TIMES😭
T: It's the last time, so please smile Y: I can't? I'll do this (raison pose) baby😭
(nobu greets yuzu, and yuzu giving him a 🙃 "like wut-" look🤣) O: Wait a min! Hasn't it been a long time! Y: Are you Yamagai san? O: Can you stop watching my YT channel so closely! (yuzu-nobu combi is just funny🤭really nice to see yuzu chilling, laughing having much fun🫠)
"And then there were the hugs - always having those great hugs" G
this came up, from Brian💔 he never had it easy
IFS Oct22 12-page writeup on yuzu career, ups and downs, coaches reflections...a couple of full body photo shots and they are lovely💕
(~04:43) To be honest, I did wonder "Why am i doing this?" "Why are my scores getting lower when I'm doing better" But when supporters/viewers said "Indeed Hanyu kun has gotten better right, hasn't he?" "He has improved like this right" ... [1/2] 🔗youtu.be/UWQdwZvkFsM
The surprise was SEIMEI in RONDO costumeㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ "It is my representative prog. I think it is also a prog full of memories for everyone. If it can leave behind, even if just a little, some good memories..."
"I'm heading off!" slight differences in the various ver. instg, tiktok, jap/eng twt, fb (pic) 🥰💕 🔗instagram.com/reel/Chvfc4eDx… 🔗vt.tiktok.com/ZSRDa3PkD/ (see you later👋 ANA bringing me to places (apps) i seldom visit🤭)
yuzu surprise visits to schools thru 24H TV n his interactions w kiddos🥰 the best role model "I strongly hope you can become someone in position to provide support directly to Naraha. I hope you'll always cherish your feelings for Naraha, your feelings for your hometown" --2018
220810 NTV "4Lo-3T combi that has never been executed in international competitions" "I wanted to show that it has this much potential. I'm, in essence, an athlete, and if this can be an opportunity to show that i'm pursuing it further.." FLEX✨️
definition of a professional athlete, yuzu only (article avail for free subscribers too😊 the title of the article is a little😑 well...) twitter.com/nikkei/status/…
"I'll be watching you, I'll be watching you ok!" Ghislain is really the sweetest🥰 hope yuzu gets to go to Toronto soon (and pick up his pooh🤭) twitter.com/figure_hochi/s…
The channel is mainly abt skating. No plan to upload his daily life etc. Started w the thought of creating more opportunities to showcase his skating. Pls look fwd. Still in planning, he's thinking of holding activities on a reg. basis, to create opportunity to see his perf.
He was very nervous b4 the launch, and didn't think there could be tht many subscribers and comments worldwide. He is really happy and thank everyone again. He will work hard and ask for everyone's support :) 3A ASMR IS CRAZY
[Yuzu YT] New upload!!ㅠㅠ 🔗youtu.be/1FtplF-LBe4 Yuzu started w thanking everyone for subscribing and commenting. He is touched by the comments, and is really happy and surprised at the same time.
"..at Ice Rink Sendai whr Hanyu san started skating competitively. He also chose this rink for workplace exp. during Jr. High, as a receptionist. He has strong feelings for e rink, donates book royalties etc. New start as a pro at whr can be said to be his origin" Back home🤍💙 twitter.com/mainichi/statu…
"For Hanyu's last gold to be given by fans. Gold play button let's get it" 화이팅!! twitter.com/hanyulovesgyoz…
ah the legendary intermissionㅠㅠ pure gold
of course he deserves all the hugs in this world yuzu☝️ (front shot different angle to thn-finale)
"The note that the ordinary people cannot hear can be visualized through yuzu chan's performance. ..Because Hanyu san matches the step to the note, people becomes aware of that note for the first time." when kiyozuka san can't make up his mind on yuzu chan or Hanyu san😊
look at them having much fun with raison pose😂