Congrats to an amazing team. twitter.com/XboxWire/statu…
@ElfNendes Yes, I can confirm. With the additions to XGS we have a lot of teams that have built strong SP focused games and we want that to continue.
Xbox's Adaptive Controller is changing lives in this London school standard.co.uk/tech/xbox-adap…
The "may actually" is earned. We are committed and understand we have to prove it -- Microsoft may actually be committed to PC gaming this time venturebeat.com/2019/06/24/mic…
One of things I've always loved about @Bungie is there long history of giving back, another great example, well done. -- Bungie helps raise $400k for St. Jude’s during the GuardianCon marathon stream venturebeat.com/2019/06/21/bun… via @VentureBeat
Just looked at the #s, thanks to fans who made 2019 a great E3 for Xbox. Record social traffic during the week, record views of briefing, 2x the number of fans watching Inside Xbox, 1000s of people at the MS Theater to watch briefing and play games. You all made #E32019 great. twitter.com/XboxP3/status/…
Microsoft Flight Simulator embodies Game Pass’ potential venturebeat.com/2019/06/17/mic… via @VentureBeat
Congrats. twitter.com/WeArePlaygroun…
@noobde I would....
Thank you to everyone I talked to and who worked the show on making this another great E3. It was a ton of fun but I have to admit I'm ready for some sleep. twitter.com/XboxP3/status/…
My annual shakedown by @jeffgerstmann on @GiantBombcast tonight. I cant wait......
Project xCloud demo of Halo 5 nearly indistinguishable from local play arstechnica.com/gaming/2019/06…
Watch “Project Xcloud demo at E3 2019” on #Vimeo vimeo.com/341419420
Really impressive watching the live interpretation during the show rehearsals. Thanks Matt, Ashley and Shawn for the help with the show. twitter.com/aarongreenberg…
Just finishing our final E3 rehearsal here with the team in Redmond. Feel really good about the briefing. Lots to show. We have 14 Xbox Game Studios games in the show this year, more first party games than we've ever had in the show. Fun times. #XboxE3
Nice progress by the team, great to get developers seeing their games in a new context. Can't wait for more people to get to try out xCloud. twitter.com/XboxWire/statu…
Congrats @TheRealBeano totally deserved. Amazing work on @SeaOfThieves and honestly just completely expected given the bar you've set for yourself over your career. @RareLtd twitter.com/IvorsAcademy/s…
Gaming has the power to become one of the most significant unifying forces for the world. Together, the entire gaming industry can make this a reality by answering the fierce urgency to make gaming safe and inclusive of everyone. I hope you’ll join me: blogs.microsoft.com/?p=52558354
This morning I met with gaming leaders in Lagos ending a great week launching the Microsoft Africa Development Center #MicrosoftADC in Kenya and Nigeria. Strong gaming communities here, great to get their input on how to help continue to grow the industry across the continent.
Excited about the opportunities ahead with @Sony for us to pursue our mutual gaming ambitions and delight players around the world. twitter.com/satyanadella/s…