I haven't drawn in quite a while, so here is Tamakoneko-san to get me back into the groove! また、またさんへの遅い誕生日プレゼント。🎈 おめでとうございます! [ 💛KaieraArt ]
"Rumors come in the Prowling Bell of some people who end up worse than they came with, thrown in a single game or two. A dealer comes up to those who need to come back from debt, or a fate that no one knows... Their name? Catier." [ 💛 KaieraArt | 🎃 Kaiera this Halloween ]
Kaiera, but fishcat. [ 💛KaieraArt ]
sleepy... 💤 [ 💛KaieraArt ✏KaieraRkgk ]
Out of all days, today definitely feels freeing~ 💖 [ 💛KaieraArt ✏KaieraRkgk ]
Logical programming. [ 💛KaieraArt ✏KaieraRkgk ]
High-diversity programming! [ 💛KaieraArt ✏KaieraRkgk ]
Pillow. [ 💛KaieraArt ✏KaieraRkgk ]
Hootle. A magical academic graduate from Glasshome. [ 💛KaieraArt ]
光を届けて 輝く星空 さあ駆け抜けて キラキラのスターマン ワンツーさんで踊ろう 眠らない 真っ白の銀河で [ 💛KaieraArt ✏KaieraRkgk ]
A smooth time for a Serperior. お茶の時間を楽しむジャローダ [ 💛KaieraArt ] piece for Vanilla Red
🍩 found out you can visit places in ffxiv
I'mma tip over your paint cans!! 塗料缶をひっくり返せ! [ 💛KaieraArt ]
🍩 ready for halloween?