Miki Dezaki(@MikiDezaki)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

まだ「主戦場」をご覧になっていない方、もう一度ご覧になりたい方は、こちらからご覧いただけます。 mirail.video/title/3080001
The point of #表現の不自由展 is to display works that have been censored. Taking it down again would signal to Japanese people that they should shut up about things like the comfort women issue. This is how the voice of the people is silenced. #あいちトリエンナーレを支持します
東京で最初で最後の『主戦場』上映劇場となった@Image_forumさん、ありがとうございました! Thank you @Image_forum for being the first and last theater to show “Shusenjo” in Tokyo! (Pic from April 2019)
This new state of emergency is going to last until the end of the Olympics… What kind of mental gymnastics do you have to do in your head to think that it’s sensible to have a world event in a place where there is a lack of hospital beds? twitter.com/BNOFeed/status…
〈映画「#主戦場」 定額制動画配信サービス開始のお知らせ〉 これまでも各種配信プラットホームでの配信を行っておりますが、4月1日(土)より Amazon Prime と U-NEXT にて定額制動画配信サービス(サブスク)での配信も開始します。 ❖詳細 tofoofilms.co.jp/news/news-1191/
🎍謹賀新年 『#主戦場』配信開始🎍 本日1月1日より、つぎのサイトで解禁しましたっ🎉 ▷Google Play x.gd/hFeSK ▷VideoMarket x.gd/wPvkw ▷Amazon prime video x.gd/2SnMj ひっくり返るのは歴史か、それともあなたの常識か ようこそ、バトルグラウンドへ!
Headed to Europe (and the UK) for another tour in a few days! I think most of the screenings are public so if you have friends in the area, feel free to let them know. #shusenjo #主戦場 #주전장
すごい偶然!物議を醸す展示が理由で在オーストリア日本大使館がウィーン芸術祭から公認を取り下げたタイミングにちょうどウィーンに来ていました。芸術家の皆さんと学芸員のマルセロ・ファラベゴリさんを応援します。#愛知トリエンナーレ #ウィーン芸術祭 #主戦場
Berlin, Germany. I arrived and almost immediately a little girl took a picture with the statue. I heard from @koreaverband that the local community is fond of the statue and that this is common. The statue might get the most exposure of any of the statues I’ve visited.
Japan Trailer for "Shusenjo"! Check it out! 新しい予告編です。ご覧下さい!
We completely won the lawsuit! After we won the appeal in September, Kent Gilbert et al. filed an appeal to the Supreme Court, and today the court dismissed their appeal. It’s finally over!
Last October I took this picture of the statue at Kassel University @uni_kassel and the second picture is now. This is how you erase history.
判決後の記者会見で、デザキさんは次のように時折、安堵の表情を浮かべながら述べた。 「裁判官が双方の意見を聞いたうえで、本日の判決に至ったのは、とても大事なことだと思っています。裁判の目的は、この映画の評価を毀損し、上映を止めるためのものだと明らかになったと思います。
Japan has apologized for the comfort women issue a number of times in the past, so why is Japan accused of never apologizing sincerely? You can watch the full version here: youtu.be/iHzOEHYlzUI
They tried to stop the public from being able to see “Shusenjo,” but they failed. A great day for the film and a great day for freedom of expression in Japan! The plaintiffs intend to appeal, but we are confident we will continue to win. Thank you for supporting me and the film
My film is currently trending first on South Korea’s biggest portal site because of its public TV debut! Great way to start the New Year! #주전장 #shusenjo
Wow! Shusenjo just got another extension (until May 13) at @Image_forum ! And it is thanks to you that more people can see it. Please share with friends and family to support the film and our legal battle against those trying to silence the film. imageforum.co.jp/theatre/movies…
まだ「主戦場」をご覧になっていない方、もう一度ご覧になりたい方は、こちらからご覧いただけます。 mirail.video/title/3080001
In Tokyo today for the first of two court days I will attend for the Shusenjo lawsuit against 5 people in my film who sued me. Today we cross examine the people who are suing me and next week I will get cross examined. Wish us luck!
Japan has apologized for the comfort women issue a number of times in the past, so why is Japan accused of never apologizing sincerely? Watch this video to find out! youtu.be/iHzOEHYlzUI
From May 2020 , but I was recently made aware of it. There has always been racism against Asians since we first set foot on US soil, and in 2021, this racism is being manifested by kids kicking a helpless, elderly Asian woman in the head #StopAsianHate
Here is the link to the site. host2.jp/shop/unfair/in…