Scott Frerichs🏳️‍🌈(@KaiserNeko)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

Why is it every time I discuss media-- passionately or passively-- someone's gotta roll up with some variation of, "It's just (media), don't take it so seriously." Bitch I *know* it's not the fucking Ukraine Conflict. I'm trying to just chill and talk about superheroes, fuck.
It's like the writers watched Harley Quinn and took the absolute worst lessons away from it. Like, they saw HQ's Jim Gordon and thought, "That's how we should approach EVERY character!"
First one of you who makes porn of this monstrosity gonna have a meet cute with Satan…
Saw this joke going around, and couldn't help my damn self.
Saw Wakanda Forever. This feels like a very personal film from Ryan Coogler, that explores family, loss, responsibility, war, and duty. It's heartfelt, sincere, emotionally charged, and far and away the best MCU film of this phase.
It's fucking buckwild that the Snyder Crusaders saw this, decided he meant "All people who like the DCEU", and are now COMMITED to proving Gunn right in the most ass-on-head way possible.…
I want to emphasize that management is the primary culprit, but that doesn't let those people off the hook for being hostile shitheads to workers who were just as scrambled and out of the loop, and who stuck it out when they would have had all the right to quit then and there.…
When you want food at your orgy, but you ask everyone to bring a dish? That's called a Potfuck.… I never talked about this when it came out because I genuinely feel like I lack the proper words to express how mindblowingly cool it is. As someone who grew up with DragonBall, watching a *fan work* like this is mesmerizing. It feels almost impossible.
Allow me to be the millionth person to just gush about the music usage. The fuckin' P-Switch theme from SUPER MARIO 3?? UGGHHH YES…
It's #TransDayOfVisibilty. I'm so proud of-- and impressed by-- all my Trans friends and fans who have been open about who they are, and their dedication to being themselves. I'm lucky to know y'all.
I'm going to emphasize: This is *scary.* This groomer rhetoric is a horrifying lie, perpetuated by these people to chill us, to quiet us, as they talk openly about stuffing LGBT+ prople in woodchippers. And it's getting *so much attention*, and *so much traction.*
The, "Joseph? Joseph is that you??" joke seems to be hitting as hard as I wanted it to and by god am I happy that it is. It was one of the most time consuming jokes in the entire video, and god damn it I'm proud of it.…
Into the Spider-Verse is that fucking good.…
"Waist-high turbosuction device" was my nickname in college…
Save the scene at the college tour? I agree. Sorry, but she was upfront about having her time disrespected and being lied to, and Mark *knowingly chose* to keep dating her, despite having to lie and miss engagements with her constantly. That's fucked up.…
@benshapiro Hey Ben, as a gay kid, it would've been really nice to have more movies like this. Why do you hate gay people? Why do you hate gay kids? Why are you so afraid of gay kids feeling seen and respected?
Chainsaw Man is the most unrealistic shit because the "Phonecall Devil" isn't these people's biggest threat
Bringing this back again.…
She's fucking right. We can only control what *we* have contributed, and that's all we should be fucking talking about.…
Honestly? It wouldn't even matter if it WAS a retcon. His characters. His story. His rules.…
we're all havin' a normal one today
Early voted with the husband! Please, PLEASE get out there and vote this year. Midterms are so important.
Give me a Quit to Desktop button in the options of your game. Give me a warning if you must about the game being saved, but do not make me go to your hub world or your start menu or whatever.