Scott Frerichs🏳️‍🌈(@KaiserNeko)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

Early voted with the husband! Please, PLEASE get out there and vote this year. Midterms are so important.
Now with SFX! With full credit to @bubblegumrebel for the idea.…
The attention to detail on the corpse of Eva 2 in this scene is *insane.* And that scream is... well, it's iconic.
For some reason, I just... don't trust the Audience Score on Rotten Tomatoes.
Some dude in marketing came up with the term "Non Fungible Tolkien" and tried to figure out how to make it work from there.…
When you want food at your orgy, but you ask everyone to bring a dish? That's called a Potfuck.
Holy shit. Apparently a *ton* of classic DragonBall music is on Spotify. Stuff that's tough to find legit physical copies of nowadays!…
Save the scene at the college tour? I agree. Sorry, but she was upfront about having her time disrespected and being lied to, and Mark *knowingly chose* to keep dating her, despite having to lie and miss engagements with her constantly. That's fucked up.…
This is like... the best possible news for the film, in terms for art and animation. One of the best animation studies on the scene today, with one of my favorite animated franchises of my life. I'm just so excited.…
PARENTS! Please be careful this Halloween! There are reports of people putting 5+ hour long YouTube retrospectives of Nickelodeon sitcoms in children's candy.… I never talked about this when it came out because I genuinely feel like I lack the proper words to express how mindblowingly cool it is. As someone who grew up with DragonBall, watching a *fan work* like this is mesmerizing. It feels almost impossible.
Vegeta's really just a bottom but doesn't want to admit it so he calls it "Saiyan Biology".
If I could eliminate *all* microtransactions-- especially from gaming-- I'd do it in a fucking heartbeat.
You are genuinely not ready for how insanely hard the official Bayblade Burst Surge opening goes. Holy fucking fuck.…
"Ooohh yeeaah, I'm your d i r t y little burgerslave."
No horror in fiction can compare to the atrocities mankind commits on a daily basis
Monkeypox isn't an STI or STD. It's not a "gay disease". I'm so fucking tired of these evil fucking people forcing us to have to defend ourselves every fucking day. I'm so fucking tired and so *fucking angry.*
Jesse's insurance is fucking him over on his bottom surgery at the LAST FUCKING MINUTE, and he's streaming to the max to see if he can raise what they're refusing to cover. If y'all can help him out, that'd mean the world.…
She's fucking right. We can only control what *we* have contributed, and that's all we should be fucking talking about.…
When I say RRR is live-action anime, I mean it in the most positive, absolutely encouraging way possible.…