Akahina doodle
Bokuhina doodle
開催おめでとうございます! 🍙🍊「ふたり暮らし」1hr #日向と治ワンドロワンライ
開催おめでとうございます! 🍙🍊「ふたり暮らし」1.5hr #日向と治ワンドロワンライ
ハム夫さんに捧げた背後注意の研日(淫魔要素低めパロ)。遅ればせながらお誕生日おめでとうございます! *Slightly nsfw Kenhina for someone special 💖
Kinhina birthday ~
Kenhina お出迎え
At the same time, I also do love and appreciate pixiv’s existence so I won’t delete my account ( at least for now ) but will make it hidden for while. I couldn’t find English version but here is the news article that you can copy & paste translate. news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/e00ca…
If anyone is wondering why some of us is deleting or hiding pixiv accounts & works, that’s because we found out that pixiv upper management was accused of sexual harassing an employee who is trans women, which is not acceptable and we are showing our anger. This is also 2nd time.
Kenhina day
Kenhina doodle
5/3 東京ビッグサイトSUPER RTS!!に参加させて頂きます。以下お品書きです。
@hei_081 昔描いたヤパロで良ければ…ッ!!(投げつけ
進捗 佐久日も楽しいね〜
Iwahina 2022
kiss for