
惜しい💦 曲がっちゃった…😅 #MEWinJAPAN #MewSuppasitMusicTheater #MewSuppasit @MSuppasit
IG:tvasahi_thai #TurnOffTheAlarm #MewSuppasit @MSuppasit Side story (about #MEW1stFMJP ) These are some of the offerings from the program recording. N'Mew said he liked SPYxFAMILY. The staff of N'Mew in Thailand said "Janjaka Soda Candy" is "very tasty and shwashy"🍭🍬 (1)
Why did you choose a picture of a humble uniform of a factory worker when MewMew's IG is full of images of him in nice clothes? 🤣🤣 #TurnOffTheAlarm by #MewSuppasit #TurnOffTheAlarm_MewSuppasit @MSuppasit #มิวศุภศิษฏ์ cewekbanget.grid.id/read/063550629…
And thanks to the cameraman and staff for showing us that moment, and to the MC for his great job of asking the question, "You were shaking, weren't you? Mew's answer, "I get nervous and tremble when I meet someone important," is the most treasured words for Japanese MEWLIONS.//
#MEW1stFMJP #MEWinJAPAN #MewSuppasit @MSuppasit During the singing of "Butter-Fly" in the first show, Mew's hand on the microphone was shaking the whole time. The cameraman, who probably noticed it, showed a close-up of it, and the switcher also played it on the screen. (1)
ものすごく美しい高音! SUHOとMewの素晴らしいコラボ曲👏 TOTA RELEASE #TurnOffTheAlarm_MewSuppasit #TurnOffTheAlarm @MSuppasit #MewSuppasit #มิวศุภศิษฏ์