Wow!! Thank you so much!! twitter.com/MMAFighting/st…
Meh, fathers are supposed to be biased and say stupid things. Mine used to say, “I’m proud of you...so are you retiring yet?” Not anymore, though. :) At least she didn’t say it. I still respect Macyee for being a warrior. twitter.com/WMMARankings/s…
My mom sent me this old picture of myself when I was 12 years old. I got teased mercilessly for being nerdy and weird. I wish I could go back and tell myself, “Don’t worry, little Roxanne.❤️ You’ll have friends and even fans when you grow up.” #BeUnique
I got the job! As an English teacher! Yay #ESL 雇われた!「戦っている英語の教師」が戻ってきた! Mrs. Roman has entered the classroom!
You’re right, I don’t! 🤣😱 twitter.com/criscyborg/sta…
My message to the people who bet on me last night.
I’m SO EXCITED!! I got to tell Robbie Lawler that his old fights inspired me to start fighting, like 18 years ago!! Now here I am going into my 49th fight. Thank you!! @ufc @Ruthless_RL @espnmma #ufc #ufc266
In my 44-fight career, 4 opponents missed weight, and I lost 3 of those fights. Not once did any of them come up before or after the fight and say, “Gee, sorry I missed weight. Thanks for fighting me anyway.” It would be nice considering the blows I took to my career & wallet. :/
No, it never l crossed my mind to kick her bad leg in the fight. #ufc246
Third one isn’t done yet but my first two books are for sale, autographed, on my website: roxannemodafferi.net/RBlog/store/bo…
We did it! Thank you Team Syndicate! Thank you to my cornermen @bigwoodmma & @AJ_MMA ! Also my other trainers MikePyle & Lorenzo! Thank you to @ufc, my match maker Mick, my fans, friends, fam,& everyone! 応援してくれた皆さん本当にありがとうございました!galera muito obrigado!
On weight and ready to fight! 心を捧げよう! #ufc
Thank you to all the media, interviewers, and podcasters who have interviewed me over my career! You helped tell my story and make my voice be heard. I used to write interviews so I understand. You guys and gals are important & I am grateful. @MMAFighting @arielhelwani @MMAJunkie
If you can’t make weight, that’s fine. GO UP A WEIGHT CLASS. Stop taking ranking spots and fight opportunities from us fighters who make weight in our division! twitter.com/MMAJunkie/stat…
I came across Marshall Rogan Inu & I’m super excited at what they are doing!! They’re supporting us UFC fighters,& making sure we get paid. I’ve been interested in getting into Crypto & this is a cool opportunity. I love what you guys are doing @RoganInu. Keep up the great work!