🇨🇳A new theft technique in China, where your bag is stolen from under a bag. バッグの下から貴方のバッグを盗む中国の新しい盗難手口。國內新偷竊手法,眼皮子底下包被偷走。🎒🧐
🇨🇳Recently, in China, it has become popular to beat or bully one woman and spread the video on SNS. 最近、中国では一人の女性を殴ったりいじめたりしてその動画をSNSで拡散することが流行っています😢
🇨🇳🚙This Chinese man tried to prove that the automatic doors of the Chinese-made car were safe, but he injured his neck. この中国人男性は中国製の自動車の自動ドアが安全であることを証明しようとしましたが、首を負傷しました。🤦🏼‍♀️
🇨🇳Respected Chinese table manners are to get as much food as possible while dirtying on the table&around it. Would u like to share a meal enjoy with them? 尊敬される中国のテーブルマナーは周りを汚しつつ出来るだけ食べ物取る。彼らと一緒に食事楽しみませんか?🤢
🇨🇳In China. A young woman was kidnapped by two men on the street. No one tried to help her,including homeless, passerby, and motorbiker. 中国にて。若い女性が路上で二人組の男に連れ去された。 ホームレスも通行人もバイク運転手も誰も彼女を助けようとしなかった😰
🇨🇳I hesitate to tweet. But I want you to know the China's reality. Violent men violence against a woman continues unabated in China. Feminists around the world still keep their mouths shut. Why?!😰 https://t.co/bTWJTzdb2t
🇨🇳🍎🐛 Chinese fruit that only the outer box is beautiful. The price will be higher for the outer box than for the fruit itself. 外箱だけが美しい中国の果物。果物自体よりも外箱の価格が高くなります😑
🇨🇳🦠In Wuhan, China, the birthplace of the new coronavirus, tens of thousands of Chinese people are now taking to the streets to protest against the Chinese authorities' medical insurance system, a large-scale demonstration.😲
🇨🇳This is a machine to experience the quality and management system of Chinese products. Owe it to yourself to try! 中国製品の品質と管理体制を体感できるマシンです。ぜひお試しください!💁🏼‍♀️