
Takahiro Shikama 鹿間 貴裕 storyboard for this week episode of Lycoris Recoil had some nice short action sequences. I like this one a lot, the close-up of Chisato reloading her gun and knocking out the dude at close range before throwing him was super good.
Really good opening for Lycoris Recoil. The drawings where spendid. Loved the B part a lot, the composite was really on point for that part. Kentaro Waki Kami
How to even start talking about Bocchi the Rock! episode #04? Directed and Storyboard by the talented Nobuhide Kariya 刈谷 暢秀 the episode is filled to the brim with lot of very neat directional ideas. KA for this scene: Keimon Oda 小田 景門
Tetsuya Takeuchi Layout / Kara no Kyoukai 5 竹内 哲也 レイアウト / 空の境界 矛盾螺旋
Hironori Tanaka / 田中 宏紀
Hiroto Nagata 長田 寛人 did some massive corrections for the Blu-ray version of his incredible sequene in Magia Record s2 #07. It's so good!!!🙏 😭🙏
The character-acting on the show will sure be a treat to watch. I like how the last trailer focus a lot on the girls running, and their legs. Great stuff.
Insanity. Yamasusumesweep
Excellent second episode of Bocchi the Rock. This episode had a lot of character acting once again like this first episode and very strong Layouts. This scene in particular blow my mind, the character acting is insaly good. #ぼっち・ざ・ろっく
HoloLive Alternative full trailer Genga 原画 > Final comparaison:
Aito Ohashi / 大橋藍人 Fate/Grand Order: Babylonia #08 原画 /final.
The opening of the Mobile game Assaulit lily bouquet アサルトリリィ Last bullet was released today. Hiroto Nagata 長田 寛人 was in charge of one of the action sequence. As alway's his animation with ton of impressive FX's and lot of cool details are a delight to watch.
Ryu Nakayama 中山竜 storyboard and direction for the first episode of Chainsaw-Man sure was a delight to watch. Lot of insanely strong Layouts, camera placements and overall cinematographic vibes trough the whole episode.
Lot of really cool action cuts in the last Mushoku season 2 trailer. I'm hyped.
The New FGO Camelot movie 2 PV looks incredible. Kazuto Arai direction is amazing, so many good sequences and so many really cool camera ideas. I cn't waiiiit.
We don't often see dragons drawn in 2D in animes these days, and even less stunning dragons like this one The sequence was incredibly strong, and Ryo Imamura 今村 亮 work as AD sublimed it. Fantastic. #無職転生
Thank you Keiichiro Saito, Kerorira, Umehara and all the staff behind the masterpiece that was Bocchi the Rock! Loved every single minutes of the 12 episodes, either the amazing Performances, the hilarious Bocchi moments, and how the characters grow to become the Kessoku Band
Arknights: Prelude to Dawn episode 01: StoryBoard/Direction Yuuki Watanabe 渡邉 祐記. Great direction and board in the first half of the episode, Aninabe switch constantly beween very close shots and far ones, and it work very well tbh. #アークナイツ #黎明前奏
Hironori Tanaka 田中 宏紀 Nisekoi ニセコイ #14 原画
The new EvE Music video 群青讃歌 directed and solo key-animated by Kukka /くっか was beautifull. Great usage of colors and limited animation with stunning visual art.
"Nigeta Guitaaaaaa"
This sequence from Priconne s2 OP is absolutly mindblowing. The amount of details, the BG animation and the quality of the drawings are just stellar. Shinya Takahashi, Sou Miyazaki and Toshiyuki Sato are responsible of it. Amazing work
Great Bakemonogatari Manga CM. Akiyuki Shimbo supervised it, while Yukihiro Miyamoto was in charge of the direction (Enshutsu) Lot of great shots, and you can feel the vibes from the OG Bakemonogatari TV serie a lot.