If history has taught us anything, it is that nothing can go wrong when a billionaire begins to control the media. Right ... ? Right ... ?
Every time I see a bad meme, I realize more and more that memeing is indeed form of art.
More Filipino Dota in the SEA Qualifiers as Team Adroit claim a slot in the Regionals from the first SEA Open Qualifier. Congrats. #TI9
Patches come and go but the age old truth of Dota always stands strong: The game is not over until the Ancient has fallen. So just don't quit. #Dota2 twitter.com/Taigadota/stat…
Southern Ring Nebula -- Hubble 1998 vs @NASAWebb 2022. #UnfoldTheUniverse
Dota 7.25b is now live. dota2.com/patches/7.25b #Dota2
.@teamsecret are officially invited to The International 2019. Led by the legendary captain Puppey, the leaders of the Circuit are sure to be one of the favorites going in to TI this year. #TI9
And once again the good ole story of LGD vs the West. #TI9
The Matchmaking Update from today is Part 1 of The Summer Scrub Update. It was released earlier due to the significant changes to underlying code.
Part 2 of the Summer Scrub that focuses on various bug fixes, and few quality of life additions will be released soon after. #Dota2
The Chongqing Major Final Day Schedule — Going to be absolutely awesome as Secret and EG battle for a slot in the Grand Finals.
Followed by an epic showmatch between TI6 and TI7 Champions.
Then the big match - VP awaits on the verge of another Major title.
The Continuum Conundrum Update has a ton of stuff in it. Be sure to check out everything.
- Event
- Battle Pass
- Experimental Controller Support
- Drow Ranger Arcana
- Mirana Dragon's Blood Persona
- Hoodwink Prestige Bundle
- Immortal Items
- New Towers / Creeps and more twitter.com/wykrhm/status/…
Dota 7.21b is now LIVE! dota2.com/patches/7.21b
ELIMINATOR TIME!! 4 TEAMS go home today. Make your calls. #TI9
I voice a lot of personal opinions generally.
However I choose not to make personal comments at times if I feel the situation is already complex enough without my opinions adding nothing but noise to it.
The idea should be to resolve. Not to emotionally complicate it further.
Oi .. oi .... oi oi ... oi oi oi ... oi .... Oi .. oi .. @DotaUnderlords #Underlords
Matchmaking Update. store.steampowered.com/news/55991/ #Dota2
Experimental Matchmaking Update to Dota 2. Full Info: blog.dota2.com/2019/08/matchm… #Dota2