
i dont want to take any res pon si bi li ty i just want to return to   uterus 子宮 shikyu-
don't be sad anymore. もうこれ以上悲しまないで。 moukoreijou kanashimanaide. me : 俺 ore ☹️☹️☹️ ☹️ ☹️ ☹️ ☹️ ☹️ ☹️ ☹️ ☹️ ☹️☹️ ☹️ ☹️ ☹️ ☹️ ☹️☹️☹️ ☹️ ☹️
i had no money i had no mo i had no i had i i ha i have i have n i have no i have no mo i have no money oh, i still have no money & no love
{\__/} ( • u •) / >❤do u love me? {\__/} ( • - •) 🍔< \ i love food, not u {\__/} ( • u •) / >❤あたしのことあいしてる? {\__/} ( • - •) 🍔< \ たべものは だいすきだけど きみのことは、すきじゃないし
i came to the conclusion that i do not have stress i am the stress.   ∧_∧  ( ´ Д ` )  /   \mr. stress 〈〈l  l\ ニニ⊃  \l  l
rt if you are the disappointment to your family. 家族から失望されている人はリツイート kazoku kara shitsubou sareteru hito wa ritsui-to
⠀ ⠀ i just wanted to occupy your timeline to say that u are my baby ⠀
dialogue of a modern friendship friend 1: i wanna die friend 2: me too 今どきの友人関係によくある会話 imadokino yuujin kankei ni yokuaru kaiwa 友達1: 俺死にたいよ tomodachi ichi: ore shinitai yo 友達2: 俺も tomodachi ni: ore mo
∩~~∩ ξ・×・ ξ ξ ~ ξ ξ   ξ ξ   “~~~~〇 ξ      ξ  ξξ ξ~~~ξ ξ  ξ_ξξ_ξ ξ_ξξ_ξ i sometimes disguise myself as a alpaca to conceal my sorrow 悲しみを隠すのさ
what time do you eat? なんじに たべてるの? eat eat eat eat eat \_ eat eat eat eat eat
my friends faded away like this 友人はこんなかんじで消えてった █   █   █  █   █  █   █  █  █   _ 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
my distant relative me 僕の遠い親戚     僕 bokuno tooi shinseki boku
にゃー / nya- / meow A____A |・ㅅ・| |っ c| |   | |   | |   |    |   | |   | |   | |   | |   | U ̄ ̄U
my life is not so bad when im sleeping. 人生も寝てるときはそんなに悪くはないんだけど jinsei mo neteru tokiwa sonnani waruku...    ⊂⌒/ヽ-、__  /⊂_/____ /   ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
"think twice before doing anything" i think 10 times and still do wrong. "2度考えてから行動にうつしなさい" 俺10回考えても間違いばかりだし "nido kangaete kara koudou shinasai" ore ju kai kangaete mo machigai bakari dashi
when u are a baby: eat and sleep when u are a child: play and eat and sleep when u are in adolescence: school, mental problems, false friendships, failed relationships, low grades, existential crisis, responsibility, anxiety, demotivation, low self esteem, disappointments
when im silent it's because: -im tired -im angry -im sad -im in my world -i do not have anything to talk about -all of the above ぼくがだまっているときの そのわけは: -つかれている -おこっている -かなしい -じぶんのせかいにひたっている -はなすことがない -上記(=じょうき)ぜんぶ
is it normal to feel tired all day???? literally all day long, no mood to do anything at all i wake up めをさます tired out ぐったり i get up from bed tired out へとへて i bathe ふろにはいる im still tired out i leave home tired out i breathe???????? いきをしても? TIRED OUT
| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| i love being alone at home. 家に一人でいるが大好き。 ieni hitoride iru noga daisuki |____________| (\___/) || (⌾ㅅ⌾) || /   づ
i am tired of everything and everything got tired of me ぼくは すべてに うんざり した  そして すべても ぼくに うんざり   した
⠀ just wanna sleep and wake up *a millionaire *大富豪     *daifugou  ⠀
me: "im happy" *i think about my life for 2 seconds* me: "i wanna die" 俺: "うれしい" *自分の人生について2秒間考える* 俺: "死にたい" ore: "ureshii" *jibunno jinsei nitsuite ni byou kan kangaeru* ore: "shini-tai "
i get stressed and my stress stresses me. ストレスがたまると、そのストレスがストレスになってしまう。 sutoresu ga tamaru to, sono sutoresu ga sutoresu ninatte shimau.
kiku (ask) 聞く miru (watch; look) 見る hanasu (speak) 話す yomu (read) 読む kaku (write) 書く taberu (eat) 食べる nomu (drink) 飲む akeru (open) 開ける shimeru (shut) 閉める kau (buy) 買う korosu (kill) 殺す shinu (die) 死ぬ aruku (walk) 歩く hashiru (run) 走る oyogu (swim)泳ぐ