
"tell me a little about yourself" u had better not ask that bc u will lose interest. "君のこと少し話して" 聞かない方がいいよ、興味失くすから。 "kimi nokoto sukoshi hanashite" kikanai houga iiyo, kyoumi nakusu kara.
im bisexual, i like food and money. 俺両性愛者なんだ、食物とお金が好きだし。 ore ryouseiaisha nanda, tabemono to okane ga suki dashi.
{\__/} ( • u •) - congratulations! / >🌹 is it a boy or a girl? {\__/} ( • - •) - it's fat ( > <) {\__/} ( • u •) - おめでとう! / >🌹 おとこのこ それとも    おんなのこ? {\__/} ( • - •) - しぼうだよ ( > <)
‌ ∧,_,∧  (`・ω・´)  n_ η >  ⌒\/、_∃ (∃)/ ∧  \_/ \_/ \  丶    / y  ノ   / / /  ( ( 〈   \ \ \ the source that annoys me: 不快の元 fukai no moto: myself 自分自身 jibunjishin
it takes me a while to leave, but if i leave, i never return. おれ でかけるのに じかんかかる けど、いったん でかけたら、ぜったいに もどってこないし。
unfortunately i woke up ugly again
"u lose your patience very easily" first of all, i do not even have patience. あなた ほんと にんたいりょく ないわね(=すぐ いらいらするのね) そもそも にんたいりょく なんて ないし。
— mom, can i... かあさん、あたし... — NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO              ダメ
is it normal to feel tired all day???? literally all day long, no mood to do anything at all i wake up めをさます tired out ぐったり i get up from bed tired out へとへて i bathe ふろにはいる im still tired out i leave home tired out i breathe???????? いきをしても? TIRED OUT
i came to the conclusion that my biggest problem is myself. 結論なんだけど、俺の一番の問題は俺自身なんだ。 ketsuron nanda kedo, oreno ichiban no mondai wa orejishin nanda.
i have a bad personality but i am the most sensitive person in the world. 俺性格は悪いけど世界で一番傷つき易い人間なんだ。 ore seikaku wa warui kedo sekai de ichiban kizutsukiyasui ningen nanda
i dont understand you but i dont understand me, either. 君のこと理解できないんだ、でも俺のことも理解できないんだけど。 kimi nokoto rikaidekinai nda, demo ore nokoto mo rikaidekinai nda kedo.
2010: 2 friends 2011: 1 friend 2012: 0 friend 2013: 0 friend 2014: 0 friend 2015: 0 friend 2016: 1 dog 2017: the dog left me    そのいぬにもすてられ 2018: twitter
i was born to eat, sleep and complain on twitter ⊂_ヽ   \\ Λ_Λ    \( ˇωˇ)      ⌒ヽ    /   へ\    /  / \\    レ ノ   ヽ_つ   / /   / /|  ( (ヽ  | |、\  | 丿 \ ⌒)
list of things that do not last : - cell phone battery - desire to study - money - patience - will to live - desire to exercise つづかないもの そのりすと - けいたいのでんち - べんきょうするいよく - かね - にんたいりょく(=がまん) - いきるいよく - うんどういよく
at the age of 6: i wanted to be 12 at 12: i wanted to be 18 at 18: i shoudn't have been born 6歳の時: 12歳になりたかった 12歳の時: 18歳になりたかった 18歳の時: 生まれてこなきゃよかった roku sai no toki: juni sai ni naritakatta...... juhasai no toki: umarete konakka yokatta
at what age       does        it         stop         being       ugly         😭         😭        😭      😭 (*ノ´O`*)ノ
i need a time away. im now exhausted from the whole world. この世から逃れたいわ。 もうくたくただわ。 kono yo kara nogare-tai wa. mou kutakuta dawa.
find the sad little face: 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁 you couldn't find it, right? it's bc the sad face is reading this now.
・*・゚゚゚゚・*・゚゚゚゚・*☆・* ┏‥ ∧✿∧   (。・ω・。) ┗○├ ┳━〇━〇━┓ the perfect man is not available in your country ┗‥.  ┻‥.━   ‥..┛ ☆。。。。・*・。。。。・*・。。。。☆
list of people i hate: 1. me 嫌いな人間、そのリスト: 1. 俺 kirai na ningen, sono risuto: 1. ore
- call me. i need to hear your voice. でんわして。あなたのこえがききたいの。    ∧_∧    ( ・ω・)    _| ⊃/(___ / └-(____/  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ oh, heck! just a dream ちぇ、ゆめか!    <⌒/ヽ-、___ /<_/____/
i hope that one day you will be as happy as you pretend to be. いつの日か君が幸せなふりができるくらい幸せになれることを願ってるよ。 itsunohika kimi ga shiawase nafuri ga dekiru kurai shiawase ni nareru koto wo negatteru yo.