making ur inner energy so beautiful that it reflects onto your outer self and spills over into everything you do >>>>>>
as I heal my ass gets fatter
on this woman’s day i wish every survivor of assault or abuse the utmost healing and to spend the rest of their lifetime softening in the arms of respectful , healthy love ❤️ i love u all so much ❤️
this is not a time for white or non black people to wallow in any guilt, pity or self loathing. this is a time for unity and action - putting your money, your body, and your time on the line for something way way bigger than any of us
I’m gay on my moms side
I just wanna see all my friends succeeeedd and live out their wildest fantasies ahhh
I love surrounding myself with people who make me realize all the ways I still have to grow, to love myself more, to be more giving and patient with my time and energy. and the love is so beautiful that you want to put in that work to be better
protect your spirit over everything
gentle reminder that the root of all love starts with self love, so speak kindly to yourself today 🌞
LOVE OVERGROWN ✨ directed by me
Bees are lesbians
this year has an energy of abundance ! ! ! ! ! !
when we love people we have to be deeply accepting of where they can meet us at that time in their life
the sexual tension between me being obsessed with my introverted alone time and the preservation of my peace vs. the desire to be cuddled alll the time .. i will never win lol
I will always say this but I am in love with my friends 🥺🥺🥲🥲. I love having history with people for years and two growing and changing people stand the test of time. really good platonic love is soul healing , especially when you’ve seen so many toxic dynamics
healer gf & infinite love from the cosmos 😭