Only real ones will know the cultural significance of me singing dum maro dum at Coachella, a song from an iconic Indian movie “Hare Rama Hare Krishna” that was about the westernization of Indian spirituality 😜
feel somethin shifting
This system will have u believing that you need something outside of yourself (money, career, love etc) to prove your worth to yourself and others. WHEREVER YOU’RE AT IN LIFE, TREAT URSELF LIKE A REFLECTION OF GOD . U ARE SO WORTHY , LOVED AND DIVINELY HELD ❤️❤️
learning to give fully and expect nothing
Prioritize your rest , prioritize your joy ❤️ the rewards of being good to your body and mind are so precious and invaluable
It seems like nobody wants to nap anymore . U need to get ur ass up and take a fucking nap . U need to surround yourself with people who love to nap
Love opens up all your wounds and asks you to finally heal them 🥲
I broke down all the influences on Asha’s awakening and why it was so important for me to integrate my south Asian culture in the music ❤️❤️
I know I will find joy and something to be grateful for in every season of my life . And that makes me feel a deep sense of comfort 🥰
now that I have experienced being a south Asian woman trying to break barriers thru art in my own way, I’m understanding why MIA was so at war with the system all the time. The music industry is an unforgiving & isolating place 4 south Asian musicians. And she did that in 2005?!
blessed to be this month’s @ladygunn cover girl 🦋
I talked about this on IG live because I genuinely have been feeling a ceiling on how far I can go as a south Asian artist trying to break into mainstream. It just feels impossible sometimes without having to placate to what the yt man wants, and even then it feels so hard
please always remember your spirit is too powerful to be held down by any system / algorithm / oppressive force . you are so much more expansive and powerful than what they have u believing