- زنه مُرد؟
و این بسیجی پاسخ میدهد:
- بمیرن.
بسیجی دیگر:
- به دَرَک!
اینبار مهسا مادریست ۵۹ ساله.
نام زنی که بر اثر حمله اوباش بسیجی کشته شد #کلثومه_افتاده_پور است. مادری ۵۹ ساله که پسرش میگوید: "از خون مادرم نمیگذرم."
خونخواه مادرمان باشیم.
More than 900 chemical attacks have been launched on schools since Nov 2022 by IRGC, in Iran.
These attacks were ordered by Islamic republic’s supreme leader.
@NLatOPCW Make the regime accountable. We need these attacks to be investigated.
The Regime in Iran are going to execute #MojahedKourkour for the murder of 9 year old Kian Pirfalak.
His lawyer and the Pirfalak family are adamant that he is innocent and that Kian was shot & killed by the IRGC.
Twitter storm tonight to save his life. RT
سحرگاه روز ۱۱ اردیبهشت ماه ١۴٠٢، حکم اعدام یک زندانی بلوچ دیگر با نام «حسین واحدی ریگی» ۳۸ ساله فرزند حسن متاهل و دارای فرزند دختر ساکن مشهد و اهل زاهدان از بابت اتهام مرتبط با مواد مخدر که پیشتر به اعدام محکوم شده بود، در زندان وکیل آباد مشهد بدون اطلاع خانواده به اجرا در آمد.… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Let’s remember,
#SamanYasin Kurd Ethnic rapper has been in prison for over 190 days & his trial will be held on May 8th by Salavati (AKA judge of death).
He is in solitary confinement and has been under torture.His life in danger
Please be his voice.