This is the saddest excuse for an award I’ve ever seen. Even piper is disgusted. @bullyray5150 Tell your boy Lagreca he can At least pretend to be a professional. Thanks.
I see it all. I read it all. I hear it all. 240 neutral Grip rep pull downs until failure.
135 pound DB incline bench press to failure.
In other words. Stop making excuses you fat fucks.
You think of a caption.
Homegrown down to the bare bone. But everyone else in this pic is mid.
You botched your promo this week. I’ve never botched anything. Burn your create a pro trainee card.…
One shot. One opportunity. Failure. Ya snooze ya lose.…
Fuck, I’m really good.
If you’re over 30 and you want to exchange Snapchat information. you’re a sex offender.
The Real Iron Man.
I genuinely can’t think of anything more embarrassing than buying your blue check mark. ……Besides having a Reddit account.
I feel like I don’t talk enough about how much I love - Comcast (NBC Universal) - Fox - Disney - Warner Bros Discovery - Netflix - Amazon - Endeavor Group Holdings And - Liberty Media
I think we’d all be better off as a society if everyone was salt of the earth like me.
Ya know, I’m starting to think people on this app aren’t very nice.
You have to have sex to have a kid, Lance.…
First Dynamite of the new year……in Seattle 🙄 New year. Same me.
@Cultaholic Die in a hole. All you British wrestling YT Chanel’s SUCK!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA @Cultaholic funny as hell.
2021 was my year. 2022 was my year. 2023 will be my year. Every year is my year because I’m better than you and you know it.