nothing says impactful game worth celebrating like shoving it into the pre-show to make way for the reveals of AAA stuff probably made under abusive conditions
great job corner office for all involved twitter.com/Wario64/status…
wish i could pretend the world is normal and that i am feeling fine and that things are ok but i am at a loss for words today
i should not feel insane for just wanting people to be okay and feel safe
what is with dudes who make bank on picturing humanity's future as being a fucking disaster being totally ok with ensuring our actual future is a fucking disaster twitter.com/NeillBlomkamp/…
Just as gross as the ACEN move. Have stricter mandates until less than a month before the event and pull the rug out from under all attendees and workers knowing they're too locked-into plans and can't cancel/refund.
Evil. twitter.com/AnimeExpo/stat…