There you are. Saturdays 16th April! Windy City. Ospreay Vs Moxley.
What a comeback! Let’s go Japan!!!
The things I get away with on Japanese TV. Boot the main sponsor. Grab junk. Leave.
Shingo can’t stop me. Okada can’t stop me. Covid can’t stop me. January 5th 2022, I’ll be there.
AEW debut. Crowns Up 👑
Tomorrow, I’m back to putting on Bangers in New Japan.
Press Conference at Kobe tonight. United Empire = Full On Sauce!!
Debuted ‘13. Signed with NJPW in ‘16 never left or reigned it in. Extremely thankful for my time in RPW & to everyone in the looker room Together we kept the lights on for RPW Taking a step back for my own health. Mad I’ve grown up in front of you guys. Thanks for everything
マーク・デイビスは私が無条件に愛する親友の一人です。 ニュージャパンカップで優勝してほしいなら。 デイビスに支援を向けて、彼がユナイテッドエンパイアの覇権のために戦うのを手伝ってください 私はあなたの友人を信じています!!
I honestly can’t tell you how gutted I am to be missing Rev Pro. I’ve a temperate of 40 degree, I can’t stand up without feeling the need to faint, I’m sweating then cold straight away. Friday night I had my bloods taken to find out I have a serious kidney infection. Sorry 😞
Had my physio pop over the house today & after further digging I’m now being referred for another MRI on my lower back as well for fears I may have the same issue in my neck. Things ain’t looking good, but I’m determined to comeback this year Thanks for all the support.
Age 28. And I’m gonna see my country in the finals. So happy
3 Years Ago, We opened up Madison Square Garden. Now we getting smashed in Tokyo together
Genuine question. Do people still play Yu-Gi-Oh? I have soooo many of the old original cards and wonder if the game continued in its popularity or is it not as big??
Hope everyone is ok… I thought death was approaching so I gave up on my diet