Misha Collins(@mishacollins)さんの人気ツイート(古い順)

We’re in, @CW_TheFlash! Now we challenge @CW_Arrow & @blacklightning: show us your @WhenWeAllVote #VotingSquad! Go to weall.vote/squad to build your squad & post it tagged #VotingSquadSupernatural. @TheCW show with the most #s wins. Let’s show ‘em who’s boss, #SPNfamily!
When I was a kid, having access to health care (even though we were poor) may have literally save my life. Now, @realDonaldTrump & the @GOP are trying to strip health care access from millions. Don’t let it happen. On Nov. 6th, please vote for people who will #ProtectOurCare! twitter.com/mic/status/101…
A friend just sent me the following email (This is the entirety of the message): “let me tell you something: never, ever drink pure chard juice.”
Keep racial, sexual & intellectual minorities down! Make the rich richer & the poor their servants. Alienate our allies & conspire with our enemies. Sacrifice principles for self-interest and visualize an America where everyone is white, straight, misogynistic & racist. VOTE GOP! twitter.com/realDonaldTrum…
I think my friends (& former SPN writer/producers) @NicoleASnyder & @charmzies broke the space-time continuum: tonight at 9/8C, it will actually be Midnight, TX time! (Tune in to their show, @NBCMidnightTX Fridays at 9/8 C on NBC)!
Proud of you ash! Everyone else, please tweet me with your voting stories! I want the details. Tweet with #votingstoryformisha so I can find them.... twitter.com/medboflight/st…
A dear friend, Carlos, often joins us for Thanksgiving. He left El Salvador 15 years ago to earn $ to support his family. He came without papers. He’s worked as a painter here & hasn’t seen his family since he left, but the $ he sends home paid for his son’s engineering degree. twitter.com/alanhe/status/…
Republicans are threatening to take away citizenship from Americans born in this country. The threat is real! Unchecked, this administration will attack everything we have—including what it means to be an American. Vote Blue Nov. 6! #VOTE
That was my birthday wish, too! Researching your ballot is really important—and it’s quick & easy to do. Here’s a place to get started: headcount.org/your-ballot/ #votingstoryformisha twitter.com/CandiceSirak/s…
Good advice. Double-check your ballots before you submit them to make sure there are no mistakes (no matter which state you live in)! #votingstoryformisha #VOTE twitter.com/bajsl1/status/…
I’m crossing my fingers for @staceyabrams to pull off a historic win! #VOTE #votingstoryformisha twitter.com/jvfierro/statu…
Way to go! The octogenarian vote is critical (along with the millennial vote and that of every other voter (except the Trump voter)). #VOTE #votingstoryformisha twitter.com/acmabry3/statu…
4 Days Left! Here's your homework, guys (pick 2+): - Phonebank from home: cacounts.org/phonebank - Attend a Phonebank: cacounts.org/attend - Confirm your polling place: vote.org/polling-place-… - Vote early: vote.org/early-voting-c… Help us #VOTEThemOut! #CaliforniaCounts
. @jarpad, @JensenAckles, & I want YOU to vote this Tuesday! (We've hidden a subtle subliminal message to all Texan voters in this image. See if you can spot it.) betofortexas.com/vote #betofortexas #VOTE
Well said, @NHMollyKelly. In the US, 12,253 people have been killed by gun violence just in 2018 (and that's not even including suicides). Every minute we wait for common sense gun safety reform, we risk losing more lives. #VOTE twitter.com/NHMollyKelly/s…
In an effort to make sure EVERY citizen gets to the polls on Tuesday, I’ve sent my @GISH army of good out to engage in a peer pressure incursion. So far, they’ve spread the word in 22 states! Consider this your draft notice: gish.com/challenge-gish… #GISHOutTheVote
It's about time we had an anthem. This is beautiful, @tarastrong & @RealEGDaily. #VOTE twitter.com/tarastrong/sta…
This is a billboard in Michigan. I don’t know how it happened, but I love it.
And this is a Jumbotron at a stadium. I don’t know how it happened, but I love it.
Two years ago at Asylum UK, someone won this and something else at an auction. The winning bidder never got their reward. Tell me what the other item was to claim this please, and I’ll get it sent to you.
Minnesota is under attack! I just encountered this harrowing scene of violent robots & rampant consumerism. @mallofamerica (PS: Thanks for the good time, #spnminn!)
New Hampshire! My dear friend @NHMollyKelly is in a dead heat race to become your new governor! She’s a great person & incredible candidate, so please get everyone out to the polls to VOTE FOR MOLLY tomorrow! (I don’t know if I can take the suspense…) mollykelly.com
Trump is pushing a policy that locks up refugee kids indefinitely. Let that sink in: KIDS fleeing VIOLENCE turn to US for HELP & he wants to PUT THEM IN CAGES FOREVER! I signed this & hope you will, too—& VOTE to save their childhoods. #StopFamilyDetention bit.ly/2CTryCX
Election Day is upon us! Vote like your future depends on it! (Because it does!) make us proud! @BetoORourke @NHMollyKelly @mjhegar @jarpad @JensenAckles
You guys are making a difference! Keep up the great work & get out and VOTE for @NHMollyKelly, New Hampshire! mollykelly.com twitter.com/NHMollyKelly/s…