Misha Collins(@mishacollins)さんの人気ツイート(古い順)

I know a thing or two about falling. #NationalPoetryDay @RudyFrancisco
The American Bar Association, US Council of churches, 2400+ law professors, retired SCOTUS judge Stevens, & the PEOPLE all say not to confirm. For the sake of the integrity of our judicial system, Kavanaugh MUST NOT be confirmed. Call your Senators! 202-224-3121 #StopKavanaugh
Something "big", like lying under oath to the Senate? Being accused of sexual assault? What’s "big" enough for you, @JeffFlake? #StopKavanaugh twitter.com/CNN/status/104…
I’ve seen folks say that Kavanaugh is “innocent until proven guilty.” That’d be true, if this was a criminal trial. It’s not. It’s a job interview—one where integrity is paramount. Assault allegations aside, he STILL lied under oath. Don’t give a liar the job. #StopKavanaugh
Thank you for this, Courtney. twitter.com/_CourtneyFord_…
As of now, @SenatorCollins’ opponent will get $2,000,000 if she votes YES on Kavanaugh tomorrow. Let’s make it 3. twitter.com/JordanUhl/stat…
Here are conclusions we can reach, Jeff: Kavanaugh lied under oath, he lost control of his temper, he cried, and he really loves beer. If a candidate did any one of those things in a job interview they wouldn't make it to the second round. twitter.com/RepJeffDuncan/…
Republican support for Brett Kavanaugh after a sham "investigation" sends women the message: Your little #MeToo moment is over. This November, send them a message when you vote.
A friend in Michigan just texted me this photo. Thank you, @BIGGBYCOFFEE for spreading this propaganda.
Do you have to be young? Define your terms. twitter.com/IamShaneMorris…
Today’s news sucks. But we’ve got to use this moment & let our outrage at this travesty strengthen our resolve to take back our country & build a better future. Be relentless. VOTE. #VoteThemOut Register to vote: vote.org Pledge to vote: actionsprout.io/6146F5
Midterms: it’s what’s for dinner. @charliecapen
Thank you for being more loyal to your State and Country than to your Party, @clairecmc. Let’s do the opposite of this: twitter.com/GOP/status/104…
VOTE, Texas! Last day to register! twitter.com/mjhegar/status…
This is the leader New Hampshire deserves! Get out and VOTE on November 6th! twitter.com/NHMollyKelly/s…
Me, @jarpad, & @JensenAckles are on the cover of @TVGuideMagazine—with 2 different covers to show off our impressive range of emotions! Pick up "giddy sitcom stars" & "who farted?" editions this week!
Thank you! Registration is not the only thing that matters, everyone. Make sure your registration in your state is up-to-date. Final day to register to vote in many states! Get on it! vote.gov twitter.com/NorthernSprw/s…
Catstiel is back. #Supernatural
Two more things: Make sure the address on your ID actually MATCHES your voter registration information, & if you’ve got accessibility concerns, make sure your polling place is accessible ahead of time. Don’t end up disenfranchised on Nov 6! twitter.com/mishacollins/s…
I don't normally like to promote cliquishness, but to be a part of the coolest group in the United States of America, all you have to do is show up at the polls: showup2018.org @ShowUp2018 #VOTE
Good night, my sweet ones…
Exactly, Rich! It’s not a war on men, it’s a war on jerks. This may sound radical, but let’s try respecting ALL genders (& not just binary). Just to see what happens. twitter.com/dicksp8jr/stat…
My subliminal marketing techniques are paying off! I put this window cling in the Gishporium, and just the other day I overheard someone say, "Misha blows!" #GISH Last day: shop.gish.com
Just a reminder: You are not alone. We’ve got your back. randomacts.org/crisis-support… #WorldMentalHealthDay #MentalHealthAwarenessDay @RandomActsOrg
Tell me if you’ve heard this one: a bus full of nuns went to visit @realDonaldTrump... twitter.com/nowthisnews/st…