
I sprited every trainer class from the Galar Region! I hope I did you proud @sakumasanosuke! 僕はあなたのNPCポケモントレーナーが好きです
Was anyone else super happy and surprised to see Basculin actually get a new evo?! and then the form was a surprise, and then the gender difference! #Basculegion #PokemonLegends #PokemonLegendsArceus #LegendsArceus #アルセウス
I sprited all currently revealed items from PLA! You know I love my crafting... also thanks to whoever came up with "Sootfoot Root" as a name! #PokemonLegends #PokemonLegendsArceus #LegendsArceus #アルセウス
As soon as I saw Jasmine’s new outfit in BDSP - I had to sprite it!
Our trip around the Pokémon World ends at a little region called Pasio! I’m a massive Masters Fan so I knew I had to do this - hope you enjoyed coming on the trip with me! #KyleTiles
Evenin’ Mate, welcome to Blighty! This was a bit of a challenge but I think the cosy, small pub atmosphere comes across well! Some overworlds by WolfPP & Rekiem. One more surprise to come on this trip… #KyleTiles
Alola! I’m very proud of this one - the glass floor came out great! Mahalo for all the likes, retweets and follows, I really appreciate it! Our trip will end today - just a few left… #KyleTiles