
To clarify, yes -- download the free demo on steam to play Chapter 2.
samus hates going to the grocery store because every time she picks something up she freezes & it plays a jingle for 6 seconds
@tuyoki TEMMIE!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!
Runner Up 2016 GotY: The E.V.O. game for PC-98 where Satan laughs as the dinosaurs are made extinct
@tuyoki * 犬の攻撃! * ペロペロ!
Note: I wasn't involved and don't know Korean, so it could totally replace all the sentences with anti-dog propaganda and I wouldn't know.
You might be wondering how the heck this happened. Well, originally they wanted to sample Hopes and Dreams. (!?) But, that song is personal to me, so I asked "Can I just make a similar song instead?" And they let me... Thanks! It was really fun to get to do something like this.
In ENG, character name pronunciation isn't clear. But in JP I had to decide. Like, "Blook" rhymes with "Spook" instead of "Hook."
The translator, @keiko_fukuichi , did awesome work and I'm really proud of how things turned out. Since she also translated UNDERTALE, it feels like she understands my tone of voice really well now. I'm happy to keep working with her.
with asgore I was really imagining him as an intimidating "..." type until I thought of my friend Reid from fangamer and made him goofy
Like, it's VERY basic advice, but "just do it." There're tons of example projects and tutorials to learn from online.
Wanna know origin of UNDERTALE fans. How did you learn about it? If you watched an LP before playing, choose that
By the way, you might be thinking "Huh!? Who's that handsome dog!?" Don't worry, I just changed my avatar. Anyway, I'll tweet again after I play the game. In the meantime, don't be afraid to check it out!!!
I don't make friends on Steam. This is my only personal Twitter. And if you see a cool hot strong person that's not me but I'll take credit.
Actually, somehow, JP fans had already 100% collectively decided "blook" sounds like "book," so... A new chapter of history begins.
But, lately, something has left me feeling unsettled. A burning, inexplicable feeling... You could say,
Played through the JP translation with a friend that knows some Japanese. We had a lot of fun. I'm excited for everyone else to play it.
Magnolia (who designed Snowdrake & Monster Kid) has a demo of her visual novel out, which I did 3 songs for!…
In the XBOX version, the characters at the poker table have 3 different dialogues depending on how many HD particles are in the room. The first time you get 1000 particles, there's a 1 time message, too. (More particles are released depending on your current held coins.)
And special thanks to @Fangamer for always supporting me in whatever I do. They're good people and always looking out for my best interests somehow.
WE ARE LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!
In 2012 I saw her designs for some playing-card inspired characters on tumblr and decided I wanted to make a game featuring them. It didn't end up going anywhere, but the idea of "I want to make an RPG" stuck with me.
I wanted to go, but I couldn't, so the box was my spirit. Now, it's over... (Rumble, rumble) (Dog Shrine sunk into the ground forever...)
Also, it's a huge honor UNDERTALE was ever nominated to stand next to so many amazing games with powerful teams. That's incredible.