Hey, you can get Game Maker (what I used to make UT) for cheap here. Seems like a good deal. twitter.com/YoYoGames/stat…
Magnolia (who designed Snowdrake & Monster Kid) has a demo of her visual novel out, which I did 3 songs for! twitter.com/MagnoliaPearl/…
In case you need yet more UNDERTALE remixes, there was another small fan album released yesterday. youtube.com/watch?v=xm9UNg…
Haven't listened to it yet, but another UNDERTALE tribute album with nearly 100 tracks on it was released as well. materiacollective.bandcamp.com/album/fallen-a…
This day... is filling me... with...
Some kind of...
Good power
Chinese UT fans collaborated to celebrate UNDERTALE'S birthday with over 100 pieces of art. Thank you! It's 太棒了 twitter.com/ut_chinese/sta…
There's a JP Undertale fan-album that seems really good that you can listen to here. underveil.unisphere.tv @UT_UNDERVEIL
Q: Will you ever announce a DLC for UNDERTALE, or a patch with a bunch of new content?
A: Please erase all of the dreams within your mind.
UNDERTALE's almost a year old. Somehow, I feel both "wow, didn't it just come out?" and "THAT WAS BY FAR THE LONGEST YEAR OF MY LIFE"
@tobyfox Also the dog constantly emits a cloud of particle effects and if it stays on the screen too long the game crashes
If there was ever an HD remaster of UNDERTALE it should be exactly the same except the annoying dog is in full high quality 3D for no reason
Like, it's VERY basic advice, but "just do it." There're tons of example projects and tutorials to learn from online.
A lot of people ask me how to start making games. Just download some free software (Game Maker? Unity?) and start messing around.
When I was in middle school, I doodled Cave Story art in the margins of my notes. Kids doing that with Undertale is validating...
* バンドめいは「レッドホット・ちびペッパーズ」だお。
“How Do I Get Good At Music?”
Read: tl.gd/n_1sothcs
If you want to test the Linux (Ubuntu) version, opt into the steam Beta branch "linux_test" using the password "spaghettilasagna"
Going to test a Linux version of UNDERTALE soon. Hope I can get it to work.
Generally, since UT was my first thing, and it's such an easy game to spoil (in so many ways), I was really protective of it. Even too much
Anyway, now that everyone's had way ample time to play the game there's no reason to avoid that anymore.
In the past did tell people to hold off speedruning UT on GDQ etc. but it was just a temporary thing to avoid spoiling random viewers
Apparently @MatPatGT met Pope Francis and gave him UNDERTALE as a symbolic gift. I'm honored.
Question - if you were going to buy merchandise of a certain Tragic Boy that begins with "A" which version is better