Skating on the frozen lake for the simple pleasure of doing it, accompanied by the sound of the blades, the crisp air and the sun's rays of a beautiful day ☀️
From the archives a precious moment created by #LoriNichol with me and two special women, athletes, competitors and friends #MaoAsada and @JoannieRochette
Hi everyone. As many of you know I’ve been struggling with hip pain for some time. At the end of January I will undergo hip surgery.
Of course, I will keep you updated on the rehab! The goal is to come back on the ice as soon as possible!!😘
#nevergiveup #figureskating #life
Unfortunately I can’t participate in Fantasy on Ice in Japan this year. My hip chondropathy requires a change of my programs. I am sure I will be back very soon. A big hug to all my Japanese fans and friends! 🇯🇵⛸❤ #CaroOnIce
Come un’artista davanti a una tela bianca
Like an artist in front of a blank canvas
No matter if during a competition in a fully packed arena or on wild ice by myself before sunrise, skating filles my heart with with joy, gratitude, hope and peace. Wherever you are in the world, let’s celebrate the magic of skating together.
#worldiceskatingday #WISD #WISD2022
e sono 36! 🎈🎂❤️
Happy Bday to a very special person. @StephaneLambiel I adore you and love to see you grow and thrive! Sei una forza della natura!
❌⭕️❌⭕️ #happybirthday #buoncompleanno
Happy birthday @Tenis_Den wherever are 💙
Beyond the ultimate pursuit of excellence, skating also means being carried away by the moment, embracing your emotions and allowing yourself to be taken by surprise. Whether that is on Olympic ice or black ice on a frozen lake – the best things in life happen unexpectedly!
Portare la bandiera della mia Italia.... la medaglia più bella!!!
#CaroOnIce #happy #emotions #life #olympicwinter #figureskating #Pyeongchang2018 #fiammeazzurre
La maestosità di questo spettacolare sfondo mi ha ispirato a viaggiare indietro nel tempo a una sequenza di passi speciale! Vediamo chi si ricorda
The majesty of this spectacular backdrop inspired me to travel back in time to this special step sequence! Let's see who remembers
Orgogliosa..... 🇮🇹⛸
So happy!! 😃
#CaroOnIce #happy #emotions #figureskating #life #olympicwinter #Pyeongchang2018 #fiammeazzurre
Thowing it back to my first Grand Prix in Moscow! @StephaneLambiel Oh...how time flies!! #tbt #littleCaro #friends #figureskating #CaroOnIce
Pattinare senza confini
Skating without walls
Che il tour abbia inizio! Un abbraccio a tutti dal Giappone!!!
Greetings from Japan!! 🇯🇵
#happy #friends #passion #figureskating #CaroOnIce @JannyMedvedeva