🌷 福娃 | fuwa(@fuwaffy)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

okay i have a serious question. are you guys just taking spoonfuls of this or are you DILUTING IT LIKE THE LABEL SAYS TO? (poll)
Year of the Rabbit jackets coming soon!🐰🧧 ETA: Dec 2022 - Jan 2023 Sign up for email updates! fuwaffy.com/shop/p/coming-…
the four horsemen of the apocalypse: wow you're an artist? "can you draw ME?" "I need a new logo" "can you design my tattoo?" "I can't even draw a stick figure!"
Year of the Rabbit sweaters coming soon! (concept) @fuwaffystore for updates!
if you ever smash my face in a cake, especially if it’s a special event. i never talk to you again, whatever relationship we have is over. and i’ll probably curse you and your whole family for the next couple generations.
it barely tickled and it’s beautiful
Your lack of skills isn’t what’s “not ALLOWING” u to pursue art. You don’t want to invest energy to learn the skills to art in the first place cuz u have better things to do? But u want to call yourself an artist after typing some prompts? And u don’t think that’s u being lazy?
same character…..I’ll find an art style I love eventually….right….? 🥹
It seems like news of this disaster is kind of softblocked in my region (twitter is not suggesting anything to me, nor is it trending, when news of a disaster on this scale anywhere else would have definitely been everywhere) so if you or friends get your news from here 🧵 twitter.com/iingwen/status…
she's a good driver
very tired of art thieves who, when confronted, conveniently hide behind the words “referenced” or “inspired” to downplay that they stole the whole thing you copied you traced you did not reference i have no issues with referencing.
she's crying again
PSA: If you are “inspired” by your favorite artist and want to do a study of their work, or anything referencing them. Just ask if it’s okay. 80% of the time it is no problem. But ask. Otherwise when we find it by surprise, it is uncomfortable for both parties.
i wanna take him home
draws dress just to cover it with flowers later
still insane to me that we lost 22,000+ people a few days ago to one of the biggest natural disasters in recent times, yet this bird app has never once suggested the tragedy to me anywhere yet. twitter.com/fuwaffy/status…
instead of tumblr how about we all go back to gaiaonline
im ready
Year of the Rabbit & Bee Cozy Jacket + Sweatpants has dropped! The full set is a preorder only special price! Grab yours at fuwaffy.com/shop 🐝
I wish the AI bros who think artists are “gatekeeping” art knew that….no..your AI generated art genuinely looks bad. Because you are lazy and ignored studying the most basic foundational knowledge to recognize that your AI girl’s head isn’t even attached to her body correctly.
belle's lip color was my favorite so gotta make sure
product photos……soon….gotta steam them all and set up a camera but will try to take photos of a S vs M vs L at least 🤘 HAPPY YEAR OF THE RABBIT
belle wip sketch!!!