🌷 福娃 | fuwa(@fuwaffy)さんの人気ツイート(古い順)

It seems like news of this disaster is kind of softblocked in my region (twitter is not suggesting anything to me, nor is it trending, when news of a disaster on this scale anywhere else would have definitely been everywhere) so if you or friends get your news from here 🧵 twitter.com/iingwen/status…
okay i have a serious question. are you guys just taking spoonfuls of this or are you DILUTING IT LIKE THE LABEL SAYS TO? (poll)
if you ever smash my face in a cake, especially if it’s a special event. i never talk to you again, whatever relationship we have is over. and i’ll probably curse you and your whole family for the next couple generations.
the biggest chronically online 🚩 are people that use those unfollow checker bots to keep track of who they should hold a grudge against
still insane to me that we lost 22,000+ people a few days ago to one of the biggest natural disasters in recent times, yet this bird app has never once suggested the tragedy to me anywhere yet. twitter.com/fuwaffy/status…
wtf people make banh mi charcuterie boards??? it’s 6 AM and theres nothing i want more rn
very tired of art thieves who, when confronted, conveniently hide behind the words “referenced” or “inspired” to downplay that they stole the whole thing you copied you traced you did not reference i have no issues with referencing.
in case you didn't hear, turkey had another tremor in the midst of rescue efforts, injuring/trapping more people inside already-damaged buildings, after 45,000+ losses already. no longer surprised this bird app doesn't seem to care to help spread awareness in the states but ⬇️